99% loss rate in AV is unacceptable. How can that even be justified. I understand that there are literally no alliance rankers in the queue for AV anymore which is why we should boycott AV until they make Premade specific queues . Teams of 3+ should get put into a group queue and placed with all others who are grouped.
Even better still, separate the queues entirely for solo queue and multiple. See what happens.
Turns out you can just make them up! 85% of Horde have beards. 25% of Alliance dislike cats. 99% of Horde are either under the age of 16 or over the age of 40. 78% of Alliance enjoy ketchup soup… wtf is wrong with you people?
On my horde char, I NEVER see anyone asking to group up for AV. The only PVP groups are for WSG. However, on my alliance character, there is always someone who wants to group up. I’d say there are more ally groups. But ok.
This idea would make the queue faster for horde groups so let’s do it!
There’s no alliance rankers because alliance rankers are good enough to premade WSG and win. There’s still lots of Horde rankers because they can’t handle WSG. It’s pretty simple- after claiming if WSG became the meta they’d switch over, Horde got short WSG queues and a WSG meta and… of course, didn’t switch over from what they call the pve BG.
Even with all the cave afkers, the staggering map bias in favour of Horde and all the Horde rankers in AV I’ve seen more AV pugs get past IBGY in the last few days, which stalls the horde offense as they’ll have their entire team recall, which now puts everyone at IBGY as you can have 2-3 Allies take back SP, SH at that point. Makes for an uphill battle but once we grab IBGY it heavily boosts morale.
Ultimately though, if you’re still trying to pug your way to an honour rank, AV is the only choice- you’re not going to get anything against a premade in WSG as a pug.
AV has 1 hour queues for horde, meaning there’s a lot of horde queueing for it. WSG has 10 min queues, meaning far fewer horde are queueing for it.
Whine all you want and jut your chest out in horde pride, but it’s an objective fact that horde are queueing more for AV than WSG in relative comparison to Allies. If that weren’t the case your AV queues would plummet and your WSG queues rocket up.
It’s also objective fact that there are more Horde than Alliance queuing in general, regardless of ranks. Our casual population is larger as a reflection of our overall population.
Comparatively, yes- there’s a considerably smaller percentage of Horde willing to do WSG, especially horde rankers than Alliance rankers, speaking of the low quality of top horde rankers. Not exactly a surprise.