Condemning anyone who disagrees with you to hell or oblivion is evil. I’m sorry your thought process is evil
There were not.
Alliance biased confirmed by no mechagnomes posting in this thread.
Lol, what? How new are you? Sylvanas loyalists had plenty of threads, and there were many, many people who were upset about Garrosh’s arc - and his death - and the, “betrayal” they had to do.
I played it and based on what Ysera said at the end and spoilers from beta I think she’s going to be just fine lol
Also the end of the Night Warrior story is literally our third Campaign quest and then we have like 5 more after that about the Loa and Drust. I don’t think they’d kill Tyrande off at the start of the expansion bc if so it’s happening in like 2 weeks when the Night Warrior quest is available
Garrosh was a universally despised character from his introduction in Burning Crusade.
The “garrosh did nothing wrong” meme brigade afterwards are generally Alliance players posting on orc alts to troll.
Horde say alliance alliance say horde. Just play the game and have fun. It’s the start of the expansion we can get many cameos later on who knows. Unclench a little
Yes, as he was whiny and snivelly and annoying. Then Wrath happened and a lot of Horde players liked his aggression, and never stopped liking it. Then more players enjoyed the, “honourable” Garrosh in Cata.
This is a strong claim to make when I knew some of the most prominent people who made thread after thread about this.
fair enough
I didnt play at the time so NYO
and you do realise that my gibberish is exactly what started our argument in the first place right ? about alliance thinking that them having no lore is the same than having bad lore
for sylvanas I can see why to some extend , for garrosh most people I see too are either trolls or people who remenber him as old garrosh
and also they were not
coming from a night elf “palpatine voice” Ironic , also I don’t remenber sylvanas or the horde saying or being like that but okay
Idk if its trolling or genuine
how… predictable
Yes there were I see them all the time on the forums and in trade and general chat
Your not very smart are you? She literally broke the chain of death that has in fact condemned every soul since legion to the Maw or oblivion. THAT IS EVIL AND BY AGREEING WITH HER ACTIONS YOU BY VIRTUE ARE EVIL
So why are you disagreeing with me, when I was there?
Having bad lore is the problem. For both factions.
Or players who liked the more stereotypical, cruel and bloodthirsty orc?
When did you start playing?
This thread is all over the place but if we’re talking about writing bias, then the writers do favour the Horde, it’s just not the same idea of the Horde as what we the players consider the faction to be.
Since Cata, the writers have been increasingly enamoured with ‘metal’ writing and ‘morally grey’ writing, which is largely the result of the HUGE impact Game of Thrones had on fantasy in general when the TV show became a massive hit. The books had been popular before but the show is what pushed things into the more mainstream. The writers like their ‘bad guys as protagonists’, ‘Conan the Barbarian without the nuance’ type writing.
This doesn’t really benefit the Horde, though.
Basically the writers enjoy writing this version of the Horde, and find peaceful or ‘nicer’ races boring, and tend to only use them as punching bags. Meanwhile, Stormwind humans are very easy to write, so they get more spotlight too. We see this ‘favouritism’ clearly with Orcs and Undead, who have been written as edgier and edgier as time has gone on, losing a lot of the themes that made them unique in the first place.
So take the pre-patch stuff. The Horde runs rampant through Ashenvale and Darkshore, and then burn down Teldrassil, an entire zone. They’re not pushed out of any of the two zones they attacked. Meanwhile, Alliance attacks Undercity, but only go through Tirisfal, destroying Brill but not much else. And while Undercity is Blighted, the infrastructure is still intact, and the entire zone other than Brill and the immediate area is still totally fine, as the Alliance got pushed out right after.
The writers get their big metal moment, but then realize that the Horde’s supposed to be a heroic faction and so they backpedal. On the flip side, you have Golden, who has favourite characters, these being Thrall, Baine, Jaina, and Anduin.
Yeah not sure how anyone can agree with her actions after playing through the covenant zones and torghast.
Doing my covenant campaign today really made me disgusted and deeply saddened with the effects of Sylvanas’ actions.
I thought she sounded slightly smart, surprisingly, in her cutscene with Anduin, but seeing the actual effects just brought me back to reality.
Here’s a quick history of Garrosh Hellscream:
- BC - snivelling, snot-nosed twerp.
- Wrath pre-patch - tries to kill Thrall and take over the Horde
- Wrath launch - spits on you when you get off the zeppelin, then sabotages Saurfang’s efforts against the Scourge
- Ulduar - sabotages efforts to stop Yogg-Saron
- ToC - acts like a jerk in front of the world, embarrasses the Horde
- ICC - stands there while all Horde players ask, “What’s HE doing here?”
- Cata annoucement - ENRAGED Horde players confront Chris Metzen at Blizzcon, demanding to know what the hell he’s doing putting Garrosh in charge of the Horde. Metzen replies, “If you love the Horde, imagine how much more you’ll love it, fighting to take it back from Garrosh”
- Cata launch - Durotar - Voljin hates Garrosh, promises to kill him some day
- Cata launch - Lordaeron - Sylvanas hates Garrosh
- Cata launch - Twilight Highlands - through his incompetence and stupidity, Garrosh squanders an entire Horde invasion force
- Mists launch - Garrosh hates everyone who’s not an Orc. “Other races have their uses, look, this one’s a Shaman”
It goes downhill from there.
No. Horde. Player. Ever. Liked. Garrosh.
Despite Alliance players’ delusions to the contrary.
I’m sorry, but this just isn’t true. You can’t speak for the entire playerbase that plays the Horde.
It’s because of her actions Ursoc is dead dead and never coming back
And Alliance players don’t know squat about the Horde playerbase’s history.
Something I rarely see brought up is how heavily Blizzard tends to borrow from the works of others when it comes to narrative and style…
So, in response to what the OP is REALLY asking (“Why are we always the bad guys?”)-- To put it bluntly, Warcraft was HEAVILY inspired by Tolkien’s work, and there is no scenario in that world in which the orcs are NOT the bad guys. Following that logic, in story telling, no one ever wants to hear about the hero losing.
And that’s why the Alliance will always win in narration.