Sylvanas didn’t deserve to beat Arthas, but it was so random this Tyrion dude beat him ngl.
Jaina was in a similar situation to Sylvanas post Wrath. After Theremore you had a lot of stupid plot devices and out of character moments from the other faction leaders to keep her in vengeance mode like every single thing Thrall said to her after appointing Garrosh.
Then after years of trying to make her a raid boss they finally got it in BfA and suddenly Jaina was toned down again because whoever decides this finally got the big epic Jaina boss they wanted
And now they are doing it to Tyrande lol
I guess its better than Thrall getting the chance to kill Garrosh despite Jaina deserving to be the one to do it
horde players complained yes but sorry honey but alliance players are on a all other lvl
and the horde plays the faction who also believe itself to be oppressed and morally good
like the horde is ?
the forsakens morals maybe at the very best
I wish they would make us into actual smart survivalist because tbh they make it so the horde is written as it destroying itself
not as much
if tyrande turn vilain what probably won’t happen because alliance character but let say she does , all them whinning night elfs who are still whinning about how teldrassil caused the death of all their loved ones IRL ectect , I can’t even imagine or I am scared to try their outrage
and also until you have been hit by the vilain don’t come tell us how to react to it
“Justice for Thrall” was such a dumb name for that quest considering he was the least wronged person by Garrosh.
Baine or Varian would’ve been cool too, considerng Cairne or the fact that Garrosh almost kills Anduin.
Nothing has been as egregious as tossing the 10k years conflict of Tyrande* and Malf with Azshara and making Azshara a Kul’tiras villain instead though. That’s when I called it quits in SL.
Confirmation bias.
Believes itself, yes. But the only reason they come into conflict with the Alliance is over resources and the actions of themselves.
Yes. They’re the, “misfit” faction and they have to do whatever they can to survive. This was in the original description.
What a disgusting attitude to have.
Both have gotten it, both are equally guilty of whining about it, and both often forget when they get the limelight and blame the other for hogging it.
Now, just drink your kool-aid and smile.
just my personal observation
don’t pretend you don’t see all those night elfs talking about teldrasill in every threads and how the horde is a bunch of genocidaires that deserves only death , because I do
yeah I wish we were that , not cartoon vilains
Does it help that Horde players still make fun of Alliance players? And did the same thing after Theramore?
Nobody is saying the Horde writing is good.
I rarely see anyone making fun of teldrassil , us making fun of the butthurt night elfs that keep reminding us how butthurt they always are ? yes we do but teldrassil on itself no not really , for every jokes I see about teldrassil I see 10 night elfs starting a petition to condemn horde players to be consider real murderers IRL
I have never seen anyone make fun of theramore , arguing about it that I have seen a lot but because the alliance is hypocritical about theramore , calling it a civilain city when it was a military city who often attacked the horde
no you are saying that no writting for your faction is equal us not even having a faction anymore due to bad writting
Lies I don’t believe the horde as a whole is guilty for Sylvaness actions, but any Sylvaness loyalists or anyone who agrees with her idea of the world is just as evil to me
Just a reminder that Thrall was gonna kill Garrosh at the end of Mists but that idiot Varian stopped him.
Then you don’t pay any attention. In threads mentioning it, and even in other threads, completely unprompted.
Facetious strawman argument.
Except this happened all the time when it happened.
… Since the day it got manabombed it has been largely referred to as Theranomore.
Also, you to, remind me of Balki and Larry from Perfect Strangers.
By whom, Alliance? This is the first time I’ve ever seen that term, and I’m here a lot.
I’ve never seen it referred to that way either.
probably I don’t watch every threads
I could use your strawman argument againts you that would work perfectly here
thats what alliance players always do , they are like “we have bad writting too because the lore is never about us , our leaders are not turned into cartoon vilain and our faction not forced into 2 civil wars and our faction pride pooped on ectect but we don’t have lore centered around us so its just as bad” when it isnt
Was a thread on the old GD forms Theramore today, Theranomore that got locked multiple times and being slightly renamed, each one breaking 20+ pages in the first day and getting locked within 12-24 hrs.
Theramore today, Theranomore tomorrow
Theramore yesterday, Theranomore today
To be Theramore, or not Theranomore
But, hey you two do what you need to do and believe.
Idk who they are but thx I’ll take everything good about them "they must be some good about them , right ? " and leave the rest and be proud
Why am I supposed to answer for what someone else says?
Regardless, I agree. If you agree with her world view, you’re not a good person. If you agree for story reasons - that’s entirely different. Plenty of players like to play the villain.
Did you even look at the forums when Theramore happened? Did you even play?
…what are you gibbering on about? You do realize that there’s a large number of players who sided with Garrosh, and with Sylvanas?