Alliance Bias

There was Lady Prestor way back. While she wasn’t the king, she was the evil chief advisor to the king and pretty much made all the decisions during Varian’s absence. She was trying sabatoge Stormwind and the Alliance during her time as an advisor. She turned out to be Onyxia and was a raid boss. Perhaps it would have been cooler if she took over Stormwind and the raid was to siege the city to wrest control of it from the black dragonflight. :woman_shrugging:

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cases can be made for both sides of the horde / alliance bias. Honestly, I dont think bias exists, just terrible writing

There is no advantage.

Horde were doing the SAME EXACT THING in EVERY OTHER ZONE for years.

Turn off War Mode if you don’t want to PvP.

People always ask questions like this, but to that I ask: If you saw no other alternative to change the ‘fate’ you are given, and others are given, and everywhere around you all you see if some power lording over you, subtly machinating your every whim, desire and choice, what would you do to change that if you had the power?

Batman fights crime, Superman crushes super powers, Sylvanas attempts to open the eyes of others to the reality she has come to know (and it sounds like she’s pretty on-the-mark with it, as twisted as you may think of her mindset), and fight against literal Gods by any means necessary.

On that note, I have no reason to disbelieve that she is not making use of the souls that she personally condemned to The Shadowlands/The Maw. It only makes sense that they are being trained, repurposed, etc, in to a fighting force. Perhaps this is part of the reason that it is marked in the beginning of the expansion that The Jailer’s forces are “equivalent and growing” to that of the Legion’s? Kind of messed up to think about, but I want to believe as well that the souls she was involved in aren’t lost–or at least aren’t lost permanently.

She is forcing people to her ideals of the world that is fascism and totalitarian and DHE IS CONDEMNING ANYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH HER TO HELL OR OBLIVION. THAT IS NOT HEROIC THAT IS EVIL

In War Of The Ancients, Elune made Tyrande invincible for a time to protect her from the Legion’s torture. Elune cares, but the fact of the matter is Elune is also basically an automatic win if she actually does stuff. We can’t be having her do everything. And we are also aware that Elune soothed the suffering of the night elves that burned in Teldrassil. She absolutely does care about Tyrande and the Night Elves. But obviously for either writing reasons or reasons that have not be uncovered yet, she did not directly intervene.

No horde get the bad writting , alliance gets either good/decent writting “pretending the writter can do more than half decent writting lol” or no writting at all what is already better than bad writting

If we get, “good” writing - why do Alliance players express dissatisfaction, and why does Blizzard think writing for them is boring - which leads to bad writing?

Neither faction gets good writing. There is a reason BfA has one of the worst stories in a Blizzard game since Diablo 3. Which is saying a lot because Blizzard’s writing is always their weakest link.


Both sides are pretty equal on how horrid the writing is. Horde get the fanfiction level writing because the writers have their own fantasies on what they want to be. And the alliance basically just has to react to whatever writing the horde is given if it’s faction based writing.

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Remember when they said Sylvanas wouldn’t be Garrosh 2.0 and then did Garrosh’s plot beat by beat? Even having Sylvanas abandon the horde and going to an alternate dimension to get a new army? lol


honestly would rather have garrosh come back and beat sylvanas up at this point tbh lol.


The faction writing was so bad in BfA that it was one of the reasons I quit. Getting railroaded into committing warcrimes and then having other characters lecture me for being evil when I had no choice in the matter got old really fast


Garrosh’s stupid super villainy was a lot more fun than Blizzard trying to write a deep and compelling morally ambiguous character that they are absolutely incapable of writing

And I like Sylvanas

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because in my humble exp and observation , alliance players are whinning snowflakes that arent ever sastisfied with anything

it wouldnt be , if alliance players werent such whinners about it , everytime the alliance becomes half interesting by doing evil stuff for X or X reasons , nop the writting has to be retcon into them being angels and maru sues , writting good people being good is never funny or interesting

writting bad vilain , even tho they destroy the characters to do so is already more interesting from a writter perspective but tbh its only fine from a writter perspective

like I say to every other alliance players , you want the bad writters attention and your faction leaders to all turn dumb and to have to kill them and seeing your faction pride die ? good for you , you can get all that if you want their attention so badly

horde players rather salvage the few good things in the lore they have left by being ignored rather than seeing the devs gamble with them next for the sake of making “new lore”

I used to like sylvanas. Three expansions of one character being a constant plot point is wayyyyy to long of a time.

BFA writting needed an award for bad writting.


It’s a real word in the UK, NZ, Australia, etc… A real word in the US too.

They ran out of ideas for her after Wrath (and didn’t even give her or Jaina the satisfaction of fighting Arthas in the final raid and gave it to Tirion instead) and decided to make her a caricature of herself to justify faction conflicts that people stopped caring about in 2004.

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Then you don’t pay attention that there’s no difference between Alliance and Horde players.

The reasons the Alliance players don’t like this is they play the faction, largely, because they enjoy the idea of being morally good. And Alliance being forced to do questionable things simply doesn’t line up with what the faction is for. Whereas for the Horde, it is part of their morals - because they have to in order to survive.

Horde players complain too, specifically about the villain bat.