Alliance Bias

She gave the Night Elves literally enough time to evacuate. She didn’t engage that war blindly. She even marched her armies over land to begin with, instead of laying siege immediately from sea. There was TONS of time to evacuate Teldrassil, especially when the Night Elves realized they could only stall for as much time as they could.

People being stupid, staying, thinking they are safe, not heeding any warning from the enemies’ Commander in Chief, and thinking that their God is going to save them, led to their deaths.

Most Alliance would be very happy to get a raid on an Alliance city where we get to renovate it afterwards, Blizz just doesn’t care enough to actually make an Alliance raid, Alliance don’t matter to the plot so why bother?

Gnomeregan could use a remake, let’s have Horde attack it and then turn it into some sort of machine metropolis, I’m all for it.

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Neither Orgrimmar nor Dazaralor was rennovated after being made into a raid.


In Blizzard’s eyes the Alliance is the “good guy” faction that has to react and the Horde is the “bad guy” faction that does the bad things to set off the plot.

They won’t openly admit it and every expansion or two the horde goes back to the Thrall version of it. But this is how they write them in every faction conflict plot.

Sylvaness attacked and destroyed Gilneas so of course genn was gonna take a chance at her. He should of used his own forces but anduian wasint ready to bare the mantle of king yet and genn needed more then just a few Worgsn scouts and warriors to not only scout out storhime But defend it from the legion

Blizzard also uses the Alliance as a foil, and have said before they simply don’t enjoy writing for them.

Can I just say that Genn holding a grudge against Sylvanas kind of peeves me? His kid leaped in front of the ‘bullet’ he knew was going to be fired to kill Genn… His son basically committed suicide, and he wholly blames Sylvanas (who was surprised the kid did this in the first place) for being the one that “pulled the trigger” that ended in his son being killed.

In addition, it’s not like Sylvanas invaded Gilneas without reason. Worgen have been coming out of there feral since the beginning of WoW and rampaging on the Forsaken’s territory.

I think the closest the Alliance has come to an evil warchief plot was with Staghelm and Benedictus. One of whom wasn’t even the final boss of his raid and was quickly forgotten and the other was a five man boss.

Blizzard has always seemed afraid to do anything “new” with the Alliance which is why it is a very stagnant faction with leaders who vanish for expansions at a time like Velen.

Meanwhile the Horde has none of its original leaders left but Thrall because they keep getting killed off in books, turn evil and become a raid boss, or just leave

She had no right to attack the night elf’s to begin with and even less to kill and displace all of those innocents. The horde weren’t starving, she was already using the horde to prepare the war for the jailer so he could he all of the souls. She literally is the architect of every soul Evil or good going to the maw. Sylvaness is EVIL

Both Darnassus and Undercity can still be accessed in-game. Neither faction lost anything.


The point of Teldrassil and Lordaeron was to have as many casualties as possible to fuel the maw/Jailer/herself.

There was no intention to leave survivors in either scenario.

While it was indeed a tactical move, it was not for the benefit of anyone/anything on Azeroth.

You reading in too deep for this shallow writing.


It’s about time Alliance just takes it all and leaves the Horde a Sasquatch and a muffin.

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I’m playing it just fine and kicking butt in there every day. What’s unplayable?

When it’s understood that a World Tree is corrupted, yes, anybody has the right to attack Teldrassil. Even without total proof, the very notion of it being corrupted presents a MASSIVE threat. Not only that, but it was previously corrupted, and we know it wasn’t 100% cleansed.

As for Slyvanas attacking otherwise, yeah, she had an ulterior motive. She wanted to teach the Night Elves what The Scourge taught her: It was entirely useless. Every plan she came up with, every time she outmaneuvered her opponent, in the end, it didn’t matter. The same thing happened with the Night Elves, against her. In the end, nothing they did mattered. And in the grand scheme of things in WoW, because she has literally seen it (literally…)-- Nothing anybody on Azeroth does… Matters.

In addition, where is Elune? Their Goddess that their entire race was calling out to for aid? Nowhere. Elune is a primordial being that ranks above the Titans, and she did nothing while a race of her most devout followers were being slaughtered. She did not even step forward to save Ysera for that matter, either; Although she did pull her body (I want to believe it was her and not some other spirit using an Elune euphanism) in to the Shadowlands.

For real. Sylvaness by the time Ysera died, was already trying to feed as many souls to the jailer as possible. Her attack on the night elf’s was long after the cycle of death was broken

Sylvanas fans in general try to make things super deep for her dumb stuff lmao.

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You can say that was all a part of the plan, but she had her own personal motives as well. Don’t discount her emotional investment at this point. She’s fed up with the “Fate game” at this point in time, it’s why she’s doing all of this.

Elune doesint matter, no body has the right to take someone else life especially for such a petty reason as “nothing matters” life matters friends matter family matters. Sylvaness is evil by virtue of caring nothing for any of that because she ripped it away from thousands and there was and never will be a justifiable reason for her actions