The Horde invaded while basically mass mindcontrolled. That wasn’t the Horde we have today, so no the Horde didn’t start that War.
The more recent warring started over essential resources that the Night Elves were vehemently denying the Orcs, and trade routes between the Tauren/Orc/Trolls were not nearly established whatsoever at the time as the alliances forged back then were still just getting off the ground thanks to Rexxar.
What we have there-after is a bunch of f-ery thanks to the interventions of things such as Old Gods, Ner’Zhul/Helm of Domination/The Jailor, The Burning Legion, the Shadow Council (Void-aligned), etc, all playing mind games and continuing to subtly push for war after war between Azeroth’s two primary factions. For what purpose?
Orcs trolls goblins and what not have normally in fantasy been portrayed as bad guys. Lord of the rings, Narnina, any major fictional tale has those creatures as bad guys blizzard is one of the first attempt to make them less evil then they been written in the past. Not exactly a good start when the first war was literally the orcs pouring through the dark portal and torching stromwind. I don’t know why people expect anything different. I thought horde players liked being the bad guys. Cause I certainly tend to see that in the average horde player.
I don’t get why we have to save the leaders of the opposite faction again. We all know an expansion down the line we’re going to have another contrived faction war plot where Baine nukes Stormwind or something
I wouldn’t mind being the bad guy. I dislike Blizzard’s trying to have it both ways and have an honorable noble savage horde and the WC1 and 2 horde at the same time. That’s bad writing and it annoys Horde players
Orgrimmar ended up looking better each time, UC the Horde chose to destroy, and Teldrassil the Horde chose to destroy, and Theramore Horde decided to destroy. So so far, Horde has destroyed three cities, and renovated one twice. Alliance has destroyed zero cities, because the Alliance’s sole purpose in the story is to be the Horde’s punching bag every other xpac when there’s not something else to fight.
Garrosh is still one of the most beloved characters in the game, Sylvanas still has a massive following, Thrall is the dev team’s favourite, all the Horde leaders have personality.
Alliance leaders are ultra powerful on paper- which means they have to constantly choose to be stupid in order to not win at anything. Powerful characters that always have to lose because they’re dumb are a sign of awful writing, meanwhile Horde characters get to have all sorts of conflicts that drive the plot.
We finally get Tyrande getting all revenge crazy… so crazy for revenge on the Horde that next scene she’s happily standing next to a group of Horde not doing anything against them. If that were Garrosh he’d be trying to cleave their heads.
They gave both factions an advantage in WM if they’re vastly outnumbered, to make up for the massive numbers advantage the other side has, since in wpvp having more numbers is pretty much all you need to auto win.
Also, Maw isn’t unplayable for Horde- if you can’t handle wpvp, turn of WM. They actually put in at the same time the option to turn wpvp off and on very easily rather than be stuck on a pvp realm, specifically for people like you who go to the forums every time you can’t win in wpvp because you’re not meant to have it on. Frankly, I think Blizz should do you a favour- and everyone like you who makes a post when you can’t handle WM gets WM turned permanently off on your account.
If your not a slyanes you have my respect as far as your faction goes. Also I don’t fully blame gerrosh for his actions, I blame thrall more. Thrall should of known better then to make him warchief and even he said so.
No, she did not. You honestly didn’t pay attention to the little details, or think much at all, if you think all she did was fight over Azerite and a hatred for a race of people she cares little of.
No, but he used Alliance forces on a personal mission - which was definitely on his gut alone - and while it ended up being the right decision, it wasn’t entirely provoked. Sylvanas used that as justification to start the Fourth War, but I believe even a number of Horde characters thought it was flimsy.