Alliance Bias

lol this is a Sylvanas xpac. alliance be sub-plot material.

But you ARE the villains. If you want to play the good guys, the Alliance is waiting for you.

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I don’t believe in hell nor your god sorry

neither are you , so you are no one to know better

you are amusing in a pathetic way

I never condemend anyone you would do it in a heart beat that is the difference between you and me. An no im not God but right now ive never met anyone so unashamedly evil it astounds me to no end. I am litteraly baffled a person like you exsists. you mock christians for condemning people to hell and turn around and not only di it yourself, you would do it faster. SCEW YOU YOU ARE EVERYTHING I WILL FIGHT AGAINST TO MAKE A BETTER WORLD BE DAMNED WHAT ANYONE ELSE THINKS OF ME

good for you , even tho its a lie

some things are neccesary

you are weak minded and delusional , I am not , indeed we are different

did I break your pink bubble ? I apologies

I didnt mock christians , you tho put them to shame

as I do not believe in hell I cannot condemn them to it

So would I

look who’s damning people now just for not agreeing with you or think has you do , what hypocrisy “giggle” ironic

all excuses to hide your indifference to the fact you would condem countless souls to hell if it did exisist and i assure you it does. and unlike you i dont hope you end up there

I believe that what await us beyond is just a great void where you sleep without dreams

if hell did exist and I knew about it , my view on the topic would be probably different

I do not believe you have any proof of such claim

how kind of you

I honestly don’t care anymore. This is such a brain dead debate and argument that’s gone back and forth for years.

Can’t people just relax and learn to enjoy characters from both factions?

and you have no proof it doesint so having the gull to say you would condemn countless souls to it is not only ignorent its evil. plain and simple.

im not kind for yours or my sake trust me

fair enough

never said that

how unkind

you agree with sylvaness you side with her you adpot her philoshpy you are just as evil as her

as you so put it earlier “Some of us are realistic”

I agree with the decision of a video character from this video world perspective and I agree with her because nothing say that the maw is truly hell , people can escape from the maw and if sylvanas become its master what I think she is trying to be , she can maybe even break the maw and death as a thing saving more than she condemned

Yes. And arguing over content that might get retconned for whatever direction they want to go in.

If ESO had WoW’s interface, combat, and mechanics I’d play that because the stories in that game are 1,000x better.

And you have 16 immortal god level villains using us as pawns. The writing is deep. Better than poof Thrall you’re a retired farmer…surprise now you are a ham fisted crossbow wielding axe thrower

Horde characters on average over the span of time get far worse treatment though. I think that has to be recognized.

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Don’t know why OP was flagged. Nothing he said was inflammatory, demeaning, caustic, or even false.

I can’t wait to rescue Jaina from the Maw, when all I want to do is let her rot there.

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Horde players have to continuously deal with Jaina even though she did bad things towards the Horde numerous timew but this is all made invalid because of >muh Theramore. (Yes Jaina if Garrosh went to war and you decide to support the Alliance you are no longer a neutral settlement)

But never did this get adressed. Never. Poor poor Jaina got her city nuked. Why? Never adressed. It’s such obvious bias from the writers and they keep pushing this hag onto the players now, even Horde.

She literally kills the King if the Zandalari and not even one patch later we team up with her to stop our warchief.

Whoever the writers are, their bias is unbelievable. They love Jaina oh so much. She can’t do any wrong at all.


If you don’t want to save your enemies, stop causing wars and drama. :eyes:

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There is no bias, please just stop trying to make bias happen…

Didn’t he leave the Alliance the first time around because they refused to kill every orc on Azeroth?

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He was so mad about it that he built a giant wall to keep everyone out. Reminds me of someone IRL

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