Alliance Bias

The difference being, he was so much of a mad lad that he actually built that wall instead of promising it and building a fence.

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Pretty much this.

The warmode quest that gives them half their weekly 1000 anima for just camping people at the bottleneck in the maw is the only bias ic

Stop being a bunch of 50 IQ rabid dog aggressor races then? Maybe if Grug stopped trying to smash for a while you’d stop getting put down.

Alliance lost 16 hubs in Cataclysm, Horde lost 5. Horde also retook the Troll islands, ask the Gnomes how their city is going.

The Horde never had a chance once Draenei joined team blue. You will all forever be subpar.

You also had a lot more time put into your questing pre-cataclysm so try again.

I mostly play alliance and even I’m sick of it. Here’s to hoping Tyrande goes full evil and then we can finally have an alliance issue.

Used to like Jaina as a character but all of the praising and compliments she gets in game are just annoying now, “The Lord Admiral is truly formidable”. Just stop alright we get it.

That would be nice but I doubt they will ever do that because they love the Alliance so much. They are the golden child that can never do anything wrong.

Well we DID have Sylvanas until they decided to write her into Oblivion. (literally)

We still have Talanji, Liadrin, Mayla, Lilian Voss. But I like all of them so I don’t want them to get any further development that turns them into Old God crazies or otherwise psychopathic traitors.

Personally I’d love to see more Talanji. If she interacts with any supernatural powers it’d have to be Bwonsamdi, and more Bwonsamdi is always a delight

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I JUST made a thread about how great Bwonsamdi is lol. I wonder if they tied Talanji to Bwonsamdi for that very reason.

Troll Necromancer hero class next expansion? :thinking:

Speaking of which, I’m curious: how does Bwonsamdi react to Horde players in De Other Side? For Alliance, he says something along the lines of “no hard feelings about Dazar’alor” while asking for help, and I’ve wondered if he says anything different to Horde players. My assumption is that he says something about owing him thanks to his help in Nazmir

We keep hoping that if we burn down Orgrimmar enough times you’ll build back a proper city and not live in your savage huts made of dirt and dung. :face_with_monocle:

You do realize that it takes time to build a nice city right? If it was just burned down, we need to build something quick to keep our people in shelters, so it won’t be as nice as we want it. The game will never tell you this because the Alliance can do no wrong according to Blizzard.

I dont make the rules buddy, I’m just saying that there are better ways and better places to build than in a desert canyon with no resources. The Taurens at least have some style in their huts and location

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