It would have because it’d go against virtually all that the Night Elves did in WC3.
Fighting the Legion with the humans and orcs? I’m not seeing the problem. Hell, Thrall, Tyrande, and Malfurion were on talking terms at the end of WC 3. If Blizzard wanted them Horde they would’ve been, and they would have found reason. See Blood Elfs joining the Horde, despite fighting the Orcs and Trolls.
I agree that Alliance definitely has the “good guys” bias from a storytelling perspective.
Not saying it’s necessarily right, but I think any time there are humans vs another species, we tend to look at the humans as the “main” faction since… well… we probably relate to them the most. It’s the same reason they’re by far the most diverse race in the game, since a lot of other races represent specific human archetypes while the humans can be basically any of those things, since they’re based on real life human cultures to begin with.
That being said, I do wanna look at some of the claims of the Alliance never being sieged. Yes, it’s true that the Alliance hasn’t had a modern formal raid attacking their city like the Horde has. But consider that basically all of WoW’s lore foundation is based on territories that were taken from humans/night elves by the orcs coming from Draenor. The Stromgarde warfront was the Alliance taking back their land. The same could be said for Lordaeron, even. (Though obviously taking down a major Horde capital has its other benefits for them.) Gilneas was conquered by the Horde and needs to be taken back. The War of Thorns was all about Darkshore and Teldrassil being attacked by the Horde. There was a dungeon for the Siege of Boralus, though that was the Ashvane Company IIRC. Still an Alliance city under siege, though.
Overall, recent in-game history has definitely favored the Alliance. Legion’s main characters by the end of it were a human, night elf, draenei, and a dwarf. Alliance canonically “won” every battle in BfA really, but Saurfang was basically the poster boy for story content. But just keep in mind that us Alliance players basically had to sit through an entire expansion exclusively about orc history. Not to mention all of the troll raids.
Both factions get their times to shine. Personally I’m hoping for a clean slate of “good guys” across the board after this expac, basically lead by the councils that formed at the end of BfA (so same as normal minus Sylvanas and Gallywix basically).
Another one of these?
how rude
in order to do something else she says it herself , ever heard of the greater picture ?
I rather be evil than be you tbh
you said at the time I meant nowadays
the alliance doenst recieve lore so they don’t have bad lore , horde has it worst
fair enough
You mean Blizzard would have invented the narrative if they wanted to? I don’t think so… Vanilla WoW was very-- well-- vanilla in terms of fantasy flavor, and the Lord of the Rings movies were still fresh in everyone’s mind.
Meaning, it made more sense marketing-wise to put the humans, dwarves and elves side-by-side against the orcs, minotaurs, and zombies.
For a 2-minute glimpse at a game that refreshlingly doesn’t do this, I present for everyone’s enjoyment the trailer for Stellaris: Utopia.
k Ion I see what you’re doing here using reverse psychology here. Blizzard have all of sudden love Alliance. Nice one. Not falling for it.
I’m in NZ and people use the word whinge. We were only colonized a few hundred years ago, so English slang is still very prevelent here. Infact many countries know of the “whinging pom” which is a derogatory term for the British and their tendency to whine a lot. I married a Brit, there is definitely truth to the claim.
You show your ignorance with this statement. Woah unto they who call evil good and good evil. Thank God you don’t have any actual power and you can only spout your ignorance
sure thing
you have issues
I’m not the one more then willing to condemn countless souls to hell. Your the one who said he would rather be evil then be me. No sir you have issues.
you are the one being mental while arguing with a stranger
also yes if its for the greater good then yes , sorry we can’t all be delusional and believe that the sky is pink and the world and everything in it is perfect as long as you believe hard enough that it is
some of us are realistic and without sacrifices the world that it is the real one or the one of azeroth has never and won’t ever become a better place
keep living in your pink bubble of true ignorance and delusional if you can find solace within it good for you , now if you will pls excuse me I have better things to do
You are evil sir I wouldint condemn your soul you have no right to condemn mine. Get help Iike spiritual help NOW.
whatever you say
Ironically the only persons soul who you are actually condemning is your own
that is cringe
only thing cringy here is the fact the horde compalins about being the bad guys then you show up and are litteraly acting like and EVIL PERSON.
And you are acting like a lunatic zealot and if me acting like a realistic practical person is me being evil than i am proud to be evil
no you condeming countless souls you have no right to hell is what makes you evil. you are not god you do not have the right screw you you are exactly whats wrong with the world