Alliance Bias

The orcs were never good guys even in wow. They have to survive by battle. They thrive on it, thirst for it. They love the smell of blood and mutaliating their enemies be they an evil orc or a good a one. That’s why they cannot be accepted into the alliance ever

How very Alliance of you. And you guys wonder why Horde players never take you seriously when you tell us what Horde players want, how Horde players think, or what Horde players like.

You didint even read my comment and you wonder why the alliance never takes the horde seriously

Didn’t Night Elfs in WC3 merc a group of humans just for trying to make it by in their forest?

They were protecting their territory and humans can be just as vile as orcs but their nature isint one that requires them to be in battle 24/7. The humans also had an army on their doorstep what were they supposed to think?

Pot, kettle.

They attacked both the Horde and Alliance. The Alliance tried diplomacy with this new encounter. The Night Elves were xenophobic, and their land was sacred to them.

Guess which faction the Night Elves ended up joining.

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Alliance never do anything wrong, remember that.

Also the night elfs stopped their attacks before any real damage was done

The Night Elves at the time weren’t Alliance, and defending your land from unknown adversaries isn’t evil.

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Probably more for game play reasons actually, or the Night Elfs would have just went back to their trees.

Not quite. They’d learned after Hyjal originally that they couldn’t stay isolationist any longer, and that the rest of the world had caught up already. This is why they ended up joining the Alliance.

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If anything it makes zero sense that the high elfs joined the horde

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And I’m not trying to “fanboy” when I write any of that ether. It’s important to step back and analyze the basis of the thing if it’s going to be discussed.

The orcs have a culture steeped in genocide and what basically amounts to racial superiority. They go as far as killing their own infants if they don’t measure up… If they understood the concept of eugenics and were a bit fairer skinned-- Well… it doesn’t take much imagination to see the point there.

I still think they would’ve made a better Horde race, with the Forsaken going Alliance.

Tension with an uneasy Alliance brews a decent story.

You didn’t have to kill garrosh and slooveenie is still alive.

Uh… no. That wouldn’t make any sense. Especially given how much the Night Elves ended up hating the orcs, and the Horde in general - trolls included.

Blood Elfs wanna word with you.

If blizzard wanted to make it work, they would have.

Sure, but asking for them to have made more terrible decisions on top of their already terrible decisions isn’t a good thing.

Thing is, we don’t know if it would’ve been a terrible decision because it’ll never happen now, we only have speculations.