Alliance bias was a problem since MoP

Not gonna lie to you I usually wish they would die most of out racial leaders are horrible. Genn is like one of the worst worgen representatives ever. It could be more of how they write him then how hes actually supposed to be, but he comes off as incompetent who never does anything or chooses to never do anything and apparently based on the heritage questline, he’s basically ashamed of his own race. We also all know how badly most of the character of our leaders have come off. Jaina Malfurion and Tyrande especially.

Considering it’s each expansion, whos getting the bat in Dragonflight? :thinking:

Do you guys think Erevien just has a massive list of divisive topics that he picks from at random and shotgun blasts over the forums to see which one will actually get likes and bites?

Also, that second post list of ‘Horde Leaders’ being villain batted, uuuh… most of them were never Horde leaders and a lot of them were outright villains from the start/part of the Old Horde. Kargath?? Kael’thas as a Horde leader?! NER’ZHUL?!! You don’t need to make stuff up to show that the Horde gets villain batted, at least make the distinction between Old Horde/Iron Horde/Current Horde, for god’s sake. If we’re saying all three of those are one continuous group then that would make the Horde basically a blight on the planet, which it’s not.


All Horde is the same Horde. In my expanded list those guys show up too. In the RTS games these people were playable heroes so they count.

So in your mind the Horde has always been essentially a conglomerate of murderous conquerors with no distinction between Thrall’s Horde and the Old Horde and that this is a good thing. And it is bad that the murderous conquerors get killed and ‘villain batted’ because their murderous conquering isn’t actually a bad thing and they are heroes for doing so.

Goodness gracious.

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Thrall’s Horde turned the Orcs into total pansies with no survival instinct and always on the recieving end because they aren’t allowed to fight back. The true Horde died with Grommash.

I mean he kind of was, at least nominally. He helped foster his kingdom’s entry into the Horde and frequently corresponded with Rommath as to its progression. The elves’ most tantalizing bargaining chip, the knowledge of mag’har still on Outland, was fed to them from Kael.

Chronicles even retconned him into the Horde’s focus villain in TBC… stupidly so, given TK is an Alliance-flavored raid and Kael’s boss dialogue reads like a rant against the Alliance, but there you go.


One of these days I hope they touch on how Malfurion and Tyrande feel about each other since their relationship is just so vague…

The Shattered Hand has been part of this Horde.

While Kael’thas abandons Silvermoon, he’s still their prince becoming too oppressive causing his knights and scryers to turn on him.

It was a tough call on the alternate warchiefs but their Shadowmoon Clan were forced to fall to evil that Ner’zhul’s wife and a few mag’har fled to safety. The clan still exists with the horde since the Mag’har recruitment.

  1. That’s not the same Shattered Hand, it’s a Horde spy organization that Kargath was never, ever part of. It might have been born of the clan originally but he was stuck on Outland the entire time.

  2. Kael’thas did not make the decision to join the Horde, he was also in Outland. The decision was made by the leadership left in Silvermoon, who picked Horde based on the events involving the Alliance ambassador. The sin’dorei were Illidari, technically, until they learned what was actually happening.

  3. Ner’zhul was never a Horde hero, he was literally the reason the orcs fell to corruption, or one of them. AU Ner’zhul was Iron Horde, and him being ‘forced to turn evil’ is a really hilarious interpretation of what happened. MU Ner’zhul was sympathetic to a point and he caused more destruction than AU one. AU one was just more incompetent.

Of your entire list, only three (Sylvanas, Gallywix, and Garrosh) were ever Horde leaders that were villain batted and even Gallywix I’d argue was always a villain given his introduction was ah… enslaving his people.

You’ve got Elisande up there too, what the hell. Magatha as well, she was never a Horde hero that was villain batted. She was just biding her time and very obviously the bad guy. I’ll grant you Varimathras, barely, because him being majordomo was a cool bit of flavour, but even then, he wasn’t villain batted… he was a literal conniving demon.


You can make excuses all you want but you want erase the Horde personalities. If the Alliance is allowed to keep all their veterans then so should the same happen to the red team. Fairness and all. Our last hero who could have killed Turalyon in a fair fight was Grommash. And Cairne who humiliated Garrosh until the poison kicked in.


The horde worships Kargath even after he’s dead. :thinking:

The others I place on the list are former leaders or characters that betrayed their horde race or horde dramatically. Part of the horde’s history like how WoW considers Arthas and Garithos part of Stormwind’s alliance history.


My dude, really? You’re either trolling or showing your lack of lore knowledge. Being the same race =/= being the same faction. Else you came into the game in like SL or DF and literally have no idea what you’re talking about.

The old Horde =/= Thrall’s Horde. Horde players LOVE pointing out that the demon blood drinking, baby-eating Horde of Gul’dan isn’t their beloved, underdog faction. So you don’t get to count the leader of the old Horde who is hostile to EVERYONE except Illidan now.

Kael’thas? Officially not with the Horde. He threw in with the Burning Legion before Burning Crusade. In fact the arcane sentries that walk around SMC would reference this, starting to say his name and stopping mid-sentence and changing it to Lor’themar.

Gallywix was a slimeball before even entering the Horde.

Then we’ve got a Dreadlord. Ah yes, the race infamous for its duplicity and who people have been suspicious of since the day he was put in in the original beta. And guess what? People were right to be.

Then we’ve got Ms. High and Mighty Timeseer Nightborne herself. Wasn’t Horde. Wasn’t Alliance. Was completely independent of both sides and instead allied with the Burning Legion. She was technically dead before the Nightborne came to the Horde.

I mean I could keep going, but you’ve GOT to be trolling. The Alliance has an equal or even greater amount of characters that were villain-batted as well. Please.


You do not have the authority to tell Horde players which characters they mourn as their own. Kargath and Kael are just as important as Thrall and Baine.


Out of sheer curiosity, care you name any of them?

And I mean beside the obvious ones being arthas and daelin.


He can’t. Apart from Arthas and Daelin there are none. All others died as heroes or are still alive.


I’m sure we’ll hear about how now it was a great blow against the alliance that they finally got to kill Fandral Staghelm after wanting to do so since vanilla.


He was a douche who opposed Malfurion from the start. He was arrogant when he believed immortality to be the birthright of the night elves. Glad he is gone now.

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My favorite Erevienism is when he used to list Dargul as a replacement leader for the HM Tauren but didn’t know his name so he just referred to the character as “that drogbar from Highmountain” or something like that.


my new list would be different. Wanna hear?