Alliance bias was a problem since MoP

Remember when Alliance players earned the title Hordebreaker?
Remember when Alliance players were allowed to siege Orgrimmar?
Remember when Horde players were forced to kill Nazgrim?
Remember when an airship carried Horde prisoners over the wandering isle showing off alliance supremacy?
Remember when the first reaction of the blue PC towards Vol’jin is that he smells funny and looks like a uncivilized savage?

All these things started with MoP when Varian one man show destroyed the build up for Vol’jin ar future of the Horde in the final cinematic. And that problem carried over into WoD when the old legends of the Orc race died a second time. Then we had Legion where only alliance heroes had the time to shine and the Horde cast was ignored. And finally Bfa. Another time to massacre the Horde leaders and leave nothing but ashes behind. The Zandalari were humiliated beyond repair again and now we have three broken allied races and one who refuses to find because the alliance is actually honorable.

The Horde is doomed.

And I blame Afrasiabi and Golden for it. We aren’t allowed to have nice things and after Dragonflight Anduin, Jaina, Genn and Tyrande will once again get all the focus from the story.

Thank you for nothing Blizzard.

You didn’t even try to make things equal.


I wouldn’t call it “Alliance bias,” but I do think the Horde’s narrative downward slide began in MoP.


If I had a nickle for every time a horde leader was villain batted… :purse:

edit: My point is that it’s proof the horde has been done dirty.

edit 2: fixed the cataclysm horde character.

edit 3: fixed the legion horde character.


The slide started in Cata. We reached full speed in MoP


Perhaps. MoP is when it became irreversible, anyway.


I don’t know who approved of this but I am tired and I want it to stop.

None of this stuff is actually wrong tbh.

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It should be wrong and fought against. Making Blizzard feel like this behavior is normal and wanted is the reason why they keep doing it.


I meant the points you made were valid.


Well thank you. That is rare indeed.


Remember when the alliance had city after city destroyed and were made to look incomp- who am i kidding. It doesnt matter. No one will ever change their opinion and will constantly complain about the other sides faction being treated better or whatever.

Also posting in an Erevien thread LUL


Let us make this quick here. First of all.

  • Night elves will get a new tree.
  • Theramore was ONE city.
  • Jaina returned home and now leads the second biggest alliance nation.
  • no one of actual importance ever dies over at the alliance. Everything stays the same and the original leaders are alive.

The last war was messy but in the end the alliance won eventually. Meanwhile not a single modern Horde soldier has ever set foot in Stormwind. If you want to compare the situation here at least be honest with it.


Not gonna take the time to rehash the same argument people have been having for the past 13 years. It doesnt matter. Neither faction has had a great time with it. Maybe id be willing to engage with you if blizz ever openly insulted the horde at blizzcon like they have with the alliance. Its tired.


I take what the alliance got between WoD and Shadowlands with a kiss and a smile. And at the end of the day what really matters is what Blizzard puts in the game. And so far the alliance is doing fine really. “Liberator of Orgrimmar” is a boring title when you think about it. Vol’jin and Saurfang have one big difference. Sylvanas had the majority of the Horde on her side still. Garrosh only had his Orcs.

What does that even mean

The death toll list. Blizzard just loves to abuse Horde races for villain bat. Last time humans got evil the Scarlet Crusade was still active.


They just insult us in game.
Ogmott’s dream journal is but one example.


Is this still stuff we’re grudging over from over a decade ago? or are there more recent things?


Since when are HMP’s ever honest?


Apart from being uncertain how Golden is to blame (spot on about Afrasiabi), I agree with everything you said here.

Really puts it into perspective (sorry for the weird format here, my social credit score on the forums isn’t high enough to post images or links as is).