Alliance AV Discord Premades are Great

This was the most annoying thing when doing AV as an alliance. You couldn’t get south just to kill some LTs. As alliance I would corpse hop 3-4 times and hide behind trees so they wouldn’t loot my corpse. Once in awhile I’d get lucky enough to be able to get up the hill by Galv and solo kill some LTs. Sometimes there were 10+ horde guarding there. As alliance in a typical game you are basically pigeon holed into getting farmed in a graveyard. No wonder so many AFKed.

I was there for the original alliance premades as a horde. I used to be on your side. I’m not any more. I wrote a long post explaining it once. You get shorter queue times and more competitive/less boring games so be happy.


sounds to me like the horde is paying for their crimes…


Good to know you don’t have anything to do after 2 years so you finally found a way to win an AV, by cheating (again).

Horde never farmed IWB chokepoint to prevent you from killing LTs little gnome but to prevent you to uselessly cap towers and kill Galv.

Map imbalances lol. why you think Blizzard acted twice against you no skill cheater who need to premade AV when they never fixed the so called imbalances.

The queues are not 120 minutes anymore, it’s 15 minutes right now thanks to you little cheater with no skills. Guess you want to kill pvp before moving to TBC.

Keep getting farmed at your cave and like it!


Can you explain how they are “cheating”

It’s a little ironic you come to the forums to cry about how hard you got smashed in AV then say the people that destroyed you have no skill??

Best thread ever!!


lol you’re not a smart gnome, I stopped rezzing before you can blink, no skill

You really need explanation to understand how no skills but in a premade can beat a pug ?

sounds like you need to “git gud”


says the baddy who needs to premade to win.

Edit : the cheater

says the person crying on the forums because they lost.

need a diaper change?


yeah I’ll take a diaper anyday from cheaters

And you’re still bad and still need a premade to win baddy

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lol who is cheating? the largest group you can join AV with is 5, people getting into the same AV and coordinating isn’t cheating.


Yeah right, delusionnal on top of it.

BTW keep talking about crying :

cry more please


It’s more that horde just need a massive map advantage.


are you talking to yourself ?

no I am talking to the crusty horde mage who came here crying because they lost an AV.


Youre not going to get any sympathy from alliance here.

They have lost AV for the better part of 15 months because Horde have a massive map advantage…


Your’e the one crying obviously salty of losing AV since 2 years.

Me I’m accusing cheaters who can’t win without cheating and premading.

Give me a premade and you’ll eat your diaper.

ok hitting the join AV button at the same time is not cheating and it is not a premade.

If you cant understand that simple concept you should maybe stop posting.

The tears are strong in this one :rofl: :rofl: