Alliance AV Discord Premades are Great

Just alliance flexing their man muscles again.

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30 minute queue to get farmed in the cave by a Ally premade …this game is just not good .

Life isnt fair.


Seems good to me.

While youre in the cave getting farmed just think about how you had 15 months of winning AV at around a 90% win rate.


gotta say I laughed at this post for a solid 35 seconds. get rekt. your faction deserves so much worse :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


There is a difference between playing the game as released versus cheating . Using discord to bypass Blizz’s intention of not allowing premades is nothing but cheating .

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So if I join a game, spam a discord before the gates open and 25 people join and we stomp the horde, that’s cheating to you??

Having a map advantage is fine tho?


Take that up with Blizz… horde did not make the AV map.

Blizz broke premades for a reason … using 3 rd party software to bypass that is cheating .

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Ok but Alliance pre-mades in Vanilla were a thing, all the way thru WOTLK they existed, so it’s fine they changed that but not fix the map?

So I guess when you’re on the receiving end of a 90% win rate it’s just fine?

No one is using 3rd party software to cheat rofl.


Well I am not debating on the merits of what Blizz has done or not done . I am just pointing out that the use of discord to sync premades is plainly against what they intended for Classic AV.

And what’s with the griefing … go and win the game but let us have some bonus honor .

Horde have been playing scorched earth for months, sorry you’re getting some of your own medicine now.


Horde dont let us have any bonus honor, why should we?

Discord is just for comunication, it isnt whats making them all join together.

Me joining a PUG and linking a disc for all the people in the AV to join isnt cheating…





Guess you need premades to beat horde in AV… weak alliance .

Yes, they have a massive map advantage rofl.

Do you see any wsg/ab forum complaints?

No, because the maps are BALANCED.


This is the best forum thread ever, can we get a definition of the word cheating for all the crusty horde who don’t have their 99% win rates anymore please?


I dont agree with the cave farming but yeah, you can forget bonus honor if any pug or premade can prevent it.

I’ve got no beef with the pre-mades and queue drops because it does result in massively shorter wait times for Horde.

But y’all gotta give it a break with the “scorched earth” crap. It seems most “pre-mades” I’ve been coming up against are actively trying their hardest to deny any bonus honor.

I’m not saying Horde has never done it. I’m just saying it leads to a toxic play environment where players are simply not going to queue.


This is what has been happening to the alliance in AV constantly for the past 10 months, your a little late to the party


Like horde did to alliance for the last YEAR… horde are finally getting some of their own medicine, bitter isn’t it?