Alliance are fleeing via Free Transfer, faction imbalance worsened

Then don’t roll a toon on a PVP server. It’s time folks learned there are consequences to their actions.

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Cant the horde on that server roll alliance ?, and fix “your” problem

I won the right to walk this server by trashing casual allies. Why would I waste all my hard work to roll on a pleb sever? :joy::joy::joy:

Sad to see all this:
That means the Horde won this game, the Horde won Classic. Game over. Now we can remember why they introduced Bgs and Rated Arenas in TBC, because it is impossible to balance pvp when it seems everyone has the horde as favorite faction. Or》》》

Oh so my Alliance faction is losing, i hate being on the losing side, i want to be with the steamrolling faction, soo i move transfer and problem solved!..


Emerald Dream US (Retail) >>> WoW Classic

Hope Blizzard comes with a solution and fast because otherwise its going to get uglier when phase 2 hits.

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Stalagg is a pleb server. Most horde left. Just lol at stalagg. First og server to be declared dead.

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Everyone is guessing at the numbers, even if you looked at census previously the numbers were all over the place.

It was NOT roughly 60/40 across most realms. 60/40 was the CLOSEST you could get to balanced, some were/are wildly off.

If this is such a big deal, and the players always have answers for everything, why don’t they fix this? Stop transferring. Do something besides making it worse.

Alternatively, go play on a pve server.

Gank is waiting for someone to pull mobs then forcing a 2 v 1. Camping is then jumping on the player you just ganked as soon as they rez with only 50% life and health and no buffs.

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Welcome to Classic wow.

This is entirely false. When people rolled in Stalagg is was entirely unknown what the population was. And frankly I believe people left because of Grizzly on alliance, not horde.

Horde then exacerbated the issue afterwards. However alliance rolling on heartseeker now are simply worse than the originals who rolled on Stalagg, because they full well know what they are doing.

I’m in a successful raiding guild that I have failed to convince a majority to move to heart seeker, I’m not going to abandon my post with friends I’ve made over the last 2 months to arbitrarily join heartseeker where all the alliance fled too. It’s way to disruptive.

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Grizzly basically is a Horde guild- and yes, there’s no question that having an already dominated server made worse by the biggest ‘alliance’ guild working directly with the Horde to track down other Alliance and assist in kills by breaking sheeps or bursting MC’d targets, or locating stealthies obviously made this a worse situation than it already was.

So thank you Grizzly, for your early dbaggery. I hope the dead economy where you can’t sell the thousands of devilsaur leather you’re sitting on was well worth it.

I think Scarlet Monastery was the second factor- as when xfers hit a lot of players were around that level, and it was always a wall of Horde ganking people as they zoned out. It made it feel like this was going to be the norm- being chain ganked every time you left a dungeon by a full raid. Which, to a degree, is still true at least in BRM- but there’s no question that having SM in a zone where Horde could flag jump, and having that dungeon be such a key part of leveling made it seem like this was what the server was.

But everyone who rolled Horde knew Horde would be the general dominant faction- there’s no way people didn’t, we know the racials, we know the general attitude of Horde players, and we’ve had years of seeing just how vastly outnumbered Alliance pvpers are- heck it was basically the main topic of BfA, and so bad Blizz bribed Alliance players with heroic raid epics to try to get them to pvp.

You all know what the server is now- whether you’re Alliance on HS, or Horde on Stalagg you know you’re in the same situation, and while they flee to theirs and you cling to yours, you’re both in the same situation, looking at the other side thanking god you’re not suffering.

The same argument you’re making could be made for those that left to HS ‘well I wanted to stay here, but my guild decided to move to HS so I did too’. Heck, that’s part of why people were so pissed Blizz split guilds yesterday- as I think anyone can agree playing WoW without a guild is absolute garbage.

Get gud when outnumbered 10-1 constantly in every zone. Sounds legit.


Horde confirmed scared since Blizzard had to create faction-only transfers.


You still need to farm gold for your repair bill. Can’t do that in BGS. Have to go out in the open world where you will be hopelessly slaughtered.

Server balance will still matter.

I think Thalnos beat Stallag to the punch. dead on arrival.

wonder how long it’ll take before people ask for… a mercenary option, some system allowing you to fight for the other side once in a while… doesn’t make much sense lore-wise, but sure as hell make a lot of sense for the gameplay.

wonder if Blizz ever implemented such a system… maybe on retail…