Alliance and Horde racial comparison

Which race would you choose?

Night Elf

Nature Resistance: Reduces Nature damage taken by 1%.

Wisp Spirit: Transform into a wisp upon death, increasing speed by 75%.

Quickness: Increases your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks by 2%, and your movement speed by 2%.

Shadowmeld: Activate to slip into the shadows, reducing the chance for enemies to detect your presence. Lasts until cancelled or upon moving. Any threat is restored versus enemies still in combat upon cancellation of this effect.

Touch of Elune: Increases your Haste by 1% during the night.Increases your Critical Strike by 1% during the day.

Or Zandalari
Embrace of the Loa:
Embrace of Akunda: Your healing abilities have a chance to heal their target for 525.

Embrace of Bwonsamdi: Your damaging abilities have a chance to deal 87 Shadow damage and heal you for 100% of the damage done.

Embrace of Gonk: Increase movement speed by 5%.

Embrace of Kimbul: Your damaging abilities have a chance to cause the target to bleed for 260 over 6s. This effect stacks up to 3 times.

Embrace of Krag’wa: Taking damage has a chance to grant you 393 additional Health and 66 Armor.

Embrace of Paku: Your abilities have a chance to grant you 5% critical strike for until cancelled.

Pterrordax Swoop: Reduces your falling speed for 2 minutes. 15 minute cooldown.

Regeneratin: Regenerate 25% of your maximum health every 1 sec. Lasts 4 seconds. 1.5 min cooldown.

City of Gold: Increase gold earned from creatures by 2%.

Don’t tell me racials don’t matter. You could not see a more stark contrast. This is not a small thing. This is huge. Horde racials are miles ahead of Alliance once again and it will only further the imbalance in the factions.

But, as Ion said “The Horde is waiting for you.”




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If you’re going to compare racials, make sure you use the correct information, let me fix it for you.

You’re only allowed one Embrace to clarify.

Regeneratin’ - (Channeled) Restore 25% of your maximum health every 1 second. Lasts 4 seconds. Breaks on damage taken. 1.5 minute cooldown.

Regardless it’s silly to compare racials like this, especially with the fact that Kultiran’s have stronger racials than Zandalari as is.


Here we go again…


I thought cool someone made a Horde vs Alliance comparison on all racials.

But its only night elves who been there since vanilla vs zandalari who arent even released yet.


sigh It’s Will of the Forsaken all over again…


Too many “a chance to give you” for Zandalari. You can never time it and whats the chance exactly?? cause 1 % is also a chance. Does it have an icd ???

The only thing attractive i see is increase gold by 2% but that’s so miniscule because random creature drop under 2 gold. Not helping much

Now if it was 2% for everything you sell at ah, vendors then you have a deal :+1:

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Even still thats a horribly over powered ability. givng ANY class the ability to heal for 25% a second, is not balanced. Better hope you dont have any lag else that rouge is going to vanish, pop this and before he even reappears on your screen will get 1 if not 2 seconds of that channel off.

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It breaks stealth but sure, even then, rogues still have Crimson Vial, and talented they can have two charges, and that’s not even considering they might have a healer. It’s just not overpowered in the slightest really, given it’s use in combat situations can lead it being knocked off before the first tick even gets off.

I suspect it’s meant to read “Restore 25% of your maximum health over 4 seconds. Breaks on damage taken. 1.5 minute cooldown.” but someone didn’t get the memo.

You know what’s weird is when I create a character I don’t think “wow 1% nature resist this is why I made you”. Not even close I just pick what I want and play it… what a strange concept


Night elf. It’s not even a difficult decision for me.

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or Mag-har Orcs, they got the worst racials ever I think, I got one just because they look cool I think that is their strongest racial “look cool” ,and being an Allied race they should be a little bit op since it requires effort to unlock them, unlike night elves that are given by buying the game.


Night elf. Duh

I play both but this turns me off to the idea of the Horde and it’s players.

the dodge racial is ridonk for tanking. like BiS racial.

also shadowmeld is one of the best racials in the game.

i would’ve chosen a different race if you’re trying to make them look unequal as far as horde vs alliance.


iirc that was only about wanting playable high elves for alliance. and him saying they’re already in game as belves. and if you want a peach skinned elf the horde is waiting for you. ofc it’s been trolled to death by horde players and alliance players both. i saw someone say “the alliance is waiting for you” in response to horde QQing about WM since the 30% buff. i was roflmao. haha

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Broken and OP. Please nerf immediately.

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did we really need another thread on this?


We need more people like you! Haha. I play what I like and think looks cool not off of the selection of a damage simulation website…

Guys. They are going to fix the obviously broken Zandalari racial. They are already looking at it and there are about 20 threads to remind them. Let’s all calm down. We’ll make it through this :slight_smile:

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why can’t these threads pop up after the racial goes live?