Alliance and Horde racial comparison

Because that’s how you end up with things like BFA as a whole.

“iT wIlL bE FiNe, iTs oNlY bEtA!”

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I feel it still needs a nerf. Maybe if it were 10% per second for up to 10 seconds.

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I would choose both.

Then it is objectively worse than Naaru that people have been referencing the past 3 days. Who the hell cares. The amount of times that people are going to get a full heal off the racial and it be relevant are so miniscule that it doesn’t matter.

Not sure if it has been stated but I am pretty sure the Zandalari will only be able to roll with 1 Embrace at a time, since the central theme of the Loa - Troll relationship seems to be you pick one to champion and receive their blessing in return.

The title of this thread should be changed to “Night Elf and Zandalari Racial Comparison/Another Regeneratin’ Hate Thread.”

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Yeah I’m good without that

Maybe, I think when it comes out people will see see it as nothing big at all, there are definitely a few racials in live even on both sides that I feel are too powerful as is.

Correct, you can only pick one, and they can only be changed every hour or so.

It’s going to be nerfed. Why even bring it up. So dramatic.

They can nerf zandalari but only if they nerf Dark irons and buff nightborn to be on parr with void elves. :roll_eyes:

Zandalari racials are already op. Youtubers and others have been talking about that. Most likely there use the current ones as a way to encourage players to level one. Before nerfing the racials down right before they start raiding. You know its gonna happen.

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Dark Irons have already been nerfed.

Nightborne need a more proper all-around DPS trait, because 1% magic effect doesn’t help if they pick a physical DPS class. Haven’t checked PvE stuff, but PvP-wise I don’t see anyone taking Void Elves over their Human or Night Elf characters in serious end game PvP play.

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I doubt most people choose based on racials, so most would go with the pretty night elf anyway :wink:


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We need a better ability aswell, our racial is garbage. Only thing good about it is the snare.

Storm bolt and… - 75% Hp recovered in 3 sec. Good times, and not overpowered at all. LULZ

What did it get nerfed to? Because as far as I’m aware it still takes off almost every effect in the game giving them the ability to straight up counter multiple class specs…

Actually the snare is a waste of a GCD on almost any class.

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They added a limit to how high their stat can go per debuff cleared.

I also just… don’t really see it as that amazing. It’s a very situational racial and using it makes you incur the Gladiator’s Medallion cooldown. So if you do manage to get a high buff and you get CC’d, then it goes bye-bye.

I’m also not seeing very many Dark Irons representing the PvP ladders. Just seeing nothing but humans and night elves.

You’re comparing established racials with ones still on the PTR with place holder numbers that Blizzard themselves have said will be changed.