Alliance & Alterac Valley

When I first started playing AV around late summer of last year , alliance zerg strategy would win everytime if Horde did not defend . The games were about 50-50 . Then horde started defending almost every game and the games were about 60-40 in Horde favor . Then when they recently buffed the NPC’s and completely made the zerg a losing strategy the games are about 90-10 in Horde favor.

Alliance seem to have only one play in that BG. :man_shrugging:t4:

They got by with it for years and can’t seem to adapt to it no longer being an easy win. If they would just start backcapping instead of over committing to offense … so many games with players yelling at the group to stack IBT while the timers on SHB and IWB count down with 2 alliance trying to recap. I’m not sure what, if anything, will get alliance to play more defensively.

Well let’s imagine a situation where you can’t cap the GY because you’re getting interrupted by Horde getting lucky and respawning at the right times to interrupt the cap. At least with a warlock gateway behind IBGY you can still get Rogues and Druids easily into the Horde backfield so they can get up into towers and start timers. Even better if you have a Guardian druid or two so that Horde has to pull greater numbers from the choke in order to recap.
I’d much rather play an offensive style of game and force the enemy to react to my moves than play fully defensive and hope you don’t make a mistake. That’s why even when Horde premades play the IBT choke you’d still have a stealth team going north to start timers and force the Alliance into making choices.

That is true. Stealth can go that way. Meanwhile as horde, stealth can just go behind Bals building and sneak past iwb to the north, no gateway needed.

If you’re setting up a choke as Alliance in between SHGY and IWB and don’t have flares/traps/AoE on the ground, well blame your own team for not executing a choke correctly.

Except that’s not really a choke. IWB is a choke between the bunker and down the road.

If you’re trying to choke people back at IWB then you’ve already given up SHGY (which is closer to IWB than SPGY), and you’ve opened up the left hand side of IWB (from Horde’s perspective) to get around.
You need to have the choke in front of IWB and use the archers as support, while still protecting SHGY. Yeah it’s wider than the road through IBGY, and the bunker sits behind instead of in front like IBT, but it also has no possible backdoor.
If you’re choking at SHGY though, it means you’ve already got Horde to give up their defensive position at IBGY, which means your stealth team should be getting into their backfield easily and wrecking havoc with timers.

And if you’re using iwb and shgy then you’ve given up shb.

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Horde using IBGY choke gives up IBT unless they push out of the choke to defend it, which kinda defeats the purpose of the choke in the first place. We can go back and forth all day on the differences due to the map being asymmetrical, but we both know that Alliance don’t use the backdoor to IBGY. Maybe if you start putting your gateway up there and getting Alliance to use it they’d have an easier time disrupting the Horde choke.

No it doesn’t. The choke is right at IBT

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Alliance is usually too slow on offense, WHILE having virtually 0 defense for their entire side of the map. Those two things together are just a recipe for a loss.

Sooooo many times I’ve seen Alliance get “bogged down” at Frostwolf GY or dismount/stop to fight the NPC there (yes, I’ve actually seen this happen :rofl: ). So what usually happens is Alliance gets “bogged down” at Frostwolf GY while Horde has already taken over the Alliance base.

It’s important to note that what I just mentioned really has nothing to do with the map itself, but rather it’s Alliance players making bad choices. Example: dismounting to fight the stupid NPC at Frostwolf GY, instead of pushing for the last 2 towers :roll_eyes:

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Well I will agree that alliance loses for non map related issues, just the same as horde used to back in the day.


There is no choke at IWB unless you’re horde. What you’re describing is far too open to be a choke. It leaves SHB totally exposed and stealth can easily slip behind IWB to stir things up at DB.

Come on, a warlock gate is your counter to the IB choke? Let’s announce we’re coming in the backdoor right on top of horde rez so they can place flares and aoe there too.

IB choke is far superior to SH. I’m not sure why that’s even being debated.

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If you push out of the choke to IBT then it negates the purpose of the choke. You’re supposed to funnel the enemy into the choke, not run out and expose yourself. A Horde push to IBT is made when they think they can take IBT back, but it exposes the choke if they fail. Hence the calls of “Don’t chase, don’t chase” when they IBGY choke starts to over-extend.

And yet you call a wide open area, a choke…

TBT Alliance and CBH have both used it to great effect in the past, and this was prior to the SHGY changes. I’ve seen Barrym use it as well as a valid strat when he had his group. It can be done, and it has been done, but it’s obviously not a strat that either of you would utilise.
So then, what would your strat be if you were leading an Alliance premade?

Yes, a premade on voice will have an easy time with it as they have the communication. The reason you need goodbcommunication is because you have to spread your team so thin. You don’t need that for the horde choke.

So you’re saying that a Horde pug group would beat an Alliance premade group if horde uses IBGY choke?
Also, what’s your strat if you were leading an Alliance premade?

Where did you get I said that?

Well if IBGY is easy to defend and doesn’t require communication, then surely a pug group could hold it against a premade. I mean, they just have to stand there right, 40 of them, all in the choke.
What’s your Alliance premade AV strat if you were leading?