Premade vs pugs, the premade should never lose either faction (assuming we are talking 40 man premade) And I don’t have a strat. Never lead one and don’t plan on it.
So in your opinion, as someone who has no AV strat and who has never lead an AV premade, is using the area between the front of IWB and SHGY as a choke a viable strat? Or were those past Alliance premades, with leaders who had hundreds of games of leading experience, all wrong since that area, in your opinion, is not a choke?
Again, we are talking pugs, not premades…
Turtling (
The name given to a defensive game. A “turtle” can happen either because the team planned it, or because all of their forward graveyards were lost and their entire team resurrects on defense. If planned then the typical Horde strategy is to send defenders to Iceblood Tower and the small one-way chokepoint that provides access to Iceblood Graveyard which prevents any Alliance players from racing to the Frostwolf Relief Hut. If unplanned the horde tend to fall back to hold the towers at Frostwolf Relief Hut. The Alliance have effective chokepoints at Stonepike Graveyard and the bridge to Dun Baldar. The key to the defensive game is keeping your casualties to a minimum, allowing you to win the game by reinforcements. Defensive games take a long time and give minimal bonus honor in the event of a loss, making them an unpopular and usually last resort strategy.
Cool, so you’re saying TBT and CBH and all the other Alliance premades that used the gap between IWB and SHGY as a choke point were bad then, since in your opinion it’s not a choke.
You, as a person who has no AV strat and has never lead an AV premade, know more about Alliance AV strategy then previous leaders from 40man premades with hundreds of games experience in leading their teams. Gotcha.
A choke is an area players funnel to. The bridge is a choke, IBGY/IBT is a choke. Horde keep is a choke. SPGY is a choke. IWB has a choke, but it’s not between shgy and iwb since that is a wide open area. And no, I am not calling any premade bad, seems like you’re grasping at straws here
So it’s not a choke, but Alliance premades used it as a choke, however they’re obviously wrong in your opinion and you’re a better leader. But you can’t say what you’d do differently since you don’t have a strat and have never led before.
You’ve probably never seen a choke done at TP before either, where Horde gives up IBGY and just farms Alliance as they try and push south. But that’s probably not a choke in your opinion either since it’s wider than IBGY and SPGY, and so you probably are a better leader than all the Horde premades too in that case.
Correct, it’s not.
They used it defensively, but I’m betting they had to utilize the entire area in order to do that, hence not a choke.
Well, time to pack it up and go home then, all those Alliance premades were wrong and Jugga was right. If only they had you as a leader back then, to show them the error of their ways, with your no strat approach. Truly remarkable.
Glad to hear you don’t utilize the entire area in your chokes, sounds like you leave a ton of gaps to waltz right through. Sounds real effective.
I’ve told you a few times, I’m not talking about premade vs pugs. Premades like that can win in 100 different ways.
You realize Jugaa and I have both been part of AV premades and war games, right? The premade games I’ve been in have never used the area between IWB and SHGY as a choke when playing the alliance side of the map. It too exposed to be a choke. Turtling at SHGY is a tactic used by premades to force horde out of IB choke and commit more to offense so alliance offense can get through but they fully understand they are not “choking” an area that exposed.
How can you look at AV map and not see the difference between IB choke and the SH wide open layout?
So what’s your premade strat out of the 100 different ways? Oh wait, you don’t have one! What’s your pug strat then? Do you have one of those?
No. It all depends on your team and the enemy team.
You realize that I too have been part and lead multiple AV premades and played in War Games, including the 16v16 where you got absolutely torched.
If you don’t think the IWB -> SHGY turtle is a viable strat, what’s your strat then Jadei? Or are you just like Jugga and also have no strat and no experience in leading?
Finally you used a correct phrase.
I just told you it’s a viable premade strat to turtle SHGY but a turtle does not make a choke. And premades can get by with strats that pugs will not have the voice comms or team composition to pull off.
Again, are you not able to see why SH is not a choke due to the exposure while IB is a narrow path? One is a choke, the other is not.
choke point
North American
noun: chokepoint
- a point of congestion or blockage.
“the tunnel is a choke point at rush hour”
So if TBT and CBH can turtle there and block the Horde from passing, it’s a choke. Maybe the problem is that neither of you can do the same, but then again you’ve never lead so you don’t actually know if you could or not.
Exactly what you’re missing.
Lol now you’re trolling by pretending to be dense. That’s an example of using the word in a sentence, not a requirement that every choke point has a tunnel. Or do you assume every tunnel is a chokepoint?
A choke is a tunnel. SP bridge, path to Ibgy, horde keep, etc. Alliance can turtle shgy/iwb, but it’s not a choke.