Alleria redesign

There’s a special hole in the ozone layer just for the women (and Gene Simmons) of the 80’s.


FFS between this and the interspecies pairing thread, I have no words.

On a scale from 0 to even, I just can’t.

At least the interspecies thread has gotten silly, before the crossover that occurred with this one…

Tbf i made the tauren vulpera one as a joke and parody in a way.

Those poor vulpera


This is where people have to step up and know their worth. Birds of a feather flock together. If you settle for that, well, then you found your worth.

Bringing people’s intrinsic value into a conversation about personal aesthetic is a totally sane and not incel thing to do.


She just looks old, you guys; it’s okay.

Real talk I don’t care what Alleria’s model looks like because I never liked her as a character I’m in the camp I want a storyline or storylines that get rid of both her and Turalyon because Umbric would be a much better Void Elf leader and in Turalyon’s case he sits on a stolen throne basically because he just took it when Anduin left and it’s like yeah no.


This sounds like a projection.

If a person is okay presenting themselves as a slob the rest of them probably matches. This is on par with someone who claims that their house was only dirty today because x excuse. Or someone who’s car is filthy with trash only because they x excuse.


Judging books by covers means nothing then?

If your car is filled with McDonalds trash, empty soda bottles, and other various garbage then it’s likely that your house isn’t clean. This is using basic logic, connecting two dots.


Depends on how you define slob.

Neglecting personal hygiene to unhealthy levels? Maybe, though you don’t know their life.

Wearing comfortable clothes instead of inconveniencing themselves or devoting tons of time into looking socially “presentable” (which is inherently sexist, by the way, considering how much more effort it takes to reach that “presentable” bar for women) - who cares?

Implies personality as well. Because wow.

I can put jeans on and throw a shirt on just as fast as my husband. I’m not sure how that’s sexist but okay. I don’t know what you have to do to look presentable but yeah. lol


Good for you. A good chunk of society would consider jeans and a t-shirt slobbish, and also consider makeup necessary for women to be presentable to the public.

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Makeup isn’t necessary for a woman to not look like a slob. If anything is sexist that’s an extremely sexist remark. Makeup isn’t a necessity to go to the store. That’s a disturbing thing to say.

to say.


A lot of the people you’re siding with would disagree.

Use your brain and read the context, please.

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They weren’t the one voicing that opinion, they’re citing the fact it exists.

So, it’s a fact that women need makeup to be presentable in public?

This is some serious yikes territory.

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I see, you’re being intentionally obtuse.

Or unintentionally, I guess. Not worth my time either way.

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