Alleria redesign

maizou used to be good person. now just idk.

No one complained when they gave that look to the NEs

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Because “the NEs” are not a cherished iconic character who people want to not transform into something entirely different from what they like?


It is not misogyny to dislike a persons haircut.

Her hair also isnt even short so im not sure where youre getting that from.


holy heck, it is absolutely not misogyny. Short hair is not a “nowadays” thing.


Her old model was very generic high-elven archer. The new model strays a bit too far into Super Hero/Overwatch territory.

There should have been a middle ground.


and i didnt see anyone complaining about her old model.


It’s not a bad model.
It’s just not Alleria.


I know all the incels are fond of attacking women characters in games right now, which was one reason why I was hesitant to post that reddit thread, BUT, I also feel like Blizzard took her personality away. Her earlier version that Cog posted had personality and this new version just feels… sterile, somehow. But yes, I think it’s important to think about misogyny when talking about women in games.

That said, I think it’s ok for players who are fond of a certain character to voice complaints about updated appearances or stories when they seem to take a turn for the worse. I don’t know anything about the character in the beta since I’m not playing it, but I feel like something was lost.

It looks better from the side and back. I think from the front it looks like that stereotypical Karen hair that was popular ten years ago or so when women would get that really short blonde hair that was spikey in back and short, with really long bangs hanging off to one side.

i mean companies these days all about making new characters as sterile advertiser friendly as possible. nope cant have ANYTHING REMOTELY EXCITING ABOUT THEM. scare away that SWEET SWEET ADVERTISER CASH.

So you are saying characters in a story are not allowed to evolve? Feel bad for you SO.

That hair is so 90’s.

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It’s called an asymmetric bob. It was never a great cut. It belonged to emos and goth kids first. They also probably did it with the spiky hair in the back first too.

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Certain characters need to evolve more gradually over time, or there needs to be very overt and well-thought cause behind more drastic change. Otherwise you basically are ripping something away from people emotionally. That’s just how it works.

Also SO? My significant other? Or…? Because fictional characters are not like real people. There’s a big difference.

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Well he probably is considering he just said a character who has hair that is long enough to run down most of her back has short hair, so idk what that dude considers long hair lol.

i mean allerias as close to real girl all im ever gonna get.

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You will find your butter, bread. You will. She’s out there.


My character is literally wearing short hair.

Its like you people just stepped out of a cartoon or something lol.


Yep. Nowadays, it really only takes the smallest things, and some people lose their temper and throw the wildest accusations at you.
Folks… it’s allowed to dislike and criticize specific design choices. That doesn’t make you a bad person.

In this case, it’s not even about short hair on a woman, where Alleria’s new design has long hair, but rather that she bears no resemblance to the Alleria we know, and her new look has once again that typical modern Gen Z appearance.


Short haired ladies push my buttons.

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