Alleria redesign

Yup, hate it. She has an iconic look and now she looks like a generic Overwatch skin.

Idk what Blizz was thinking


Either that or she looks like you could put her into the new Dragonage and would fit right in like she belonged there the entire time lol.


There’s also Liadrin Windrunner*, forgotten during Shadowlands. :world_map::robot:

…and Zendarin Windrunner, blood elves want to forget him. :scroll::robot:


since WHEN is liadrin a windrunner?

OH PRIME! I WENT BY MEMORY! :robot::sweat_drops:

I MEANT LIRATH! :robot::sweat_drops: :sweat_drops:

Pretty much, yepp.

The best thing one can hope for in this game, is for the devs to completely ignore your fav race and/or npcs. Just look at what is happening to the races and NPCs that are in the spotlight… :sweat_smile:

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She doesn’t even look like the same character.


Veressa was an OC elf made exclusively to tie her to the author’s OC self-insert. Her entire character revolved around getting that Rhonin D and than becoming a stay-at-home mom until she evolved into a widowed single mother


i mean for awhile it looked like they was gonna do that to alleria…i wish they would have. sylvanas fans warned me not to ask for her return but i didnt listen.


hot take void lords arent even interesting…it’s just another take on lovecraftian type horror with the old gods and stuff something we’ve seen done way too much before.

Yeah on second thought maybe I don’t want Blizzard to include Stromgarde in more stuff.

I think the most I can hope for for Danath is that he gets ignored(even though we’re dealing with the Arathi and he should actually be pretty relevant).

Believe it or not, but Night Elves used to be my favorite race. However, Blizzard has managed to turn them into a continuous laughingstock and piñata, and they didn’t even shy away from turning Elune into a bad joke.

Anyone wishing for their fav race to be more in the spotlight… think carefully if that’s what you really want. I would have preferred if they had completely forgotten about the Night Elves after Warcraft III. :sweat_smile:


Perfect for us Goblins and Gnomes, we’re already used as jokes and targets. :robot::+1:

I would have been delighted if they forgot about them after WarCraft2.

Stress ages people though

Admittedly, I liked her old look better, but I don’t think her new appearance looks terrible.

You talking about her lighter hair color? Doesn’t even have to be that. Could be as simple as “it works better with the outfit they chose” or as significant as “the void is making her fade away” or something…

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I think the biggest issue is that it looks kind of generic.

Like, if I didn’t already know it wouldn’t take much convincing to get me to believe that’s just some random elf NPC.

As opposed to something like Anduin who has changed, but still is unmistakably Anduin.


It’s funny you say that because Anduin started the game as [generic human child NPC]…

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I honestly thought these were tattoos.

I didn’t realize azeroth had lazer tattoo removal. :woman_shrugging: