Alleria redesign

Point being that will age people

Yeah, that wasn’t what did it which is why it’s funny lol.


The new modern look doesn’t fit her at all.


I dont think a fat chunk of your hair turning white is a strand

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But she’s an elf.
Elves don’t age.


i think she’s just trolling.

I think she looks great.

She took a paint brush to her face every morning.

It’s just the token haircut these days.


Maybe they’ll revert Alleria, they did that to Thrall’s design. :8ball::robot:

The warcraft 2 Alleria? :world_map::robot:


Anduin has the JFMSU haircut. It’s laughable.


Hey Anduin looks awesome


I mean, It’s whatever.

Its the hair that does it.

She doesnt have the karen cut, but its so flat on one side it looks like she does.

(Also i wish she wasnt wearing white. Its too pure for a void character)

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they only did that because he’s metzen’s favorite npc.

at least anduin somewhat still looks like his original design. just a bit more mature. gritty. alleria looks like…veressa if she were a edgy void ranger with blonde hair. she almost even has a very similar haircut. blizz can SAY theyre not using ai all they want. I say:


I rather like the new design. Honestly hope her sister gets an updated model for Midnight.

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He’s been wandering on his own for years…and presumably cuts it himself with a freaking sword. Of course it looks jank. You’re out here acting like he’s got Thor’s haircut from Ragnarok, though.

It’s braided down the back.

Also, she’s an overrated elf so I dont really care

The devs love the Windrunners-- just don’t play attenuation to the other four called Windrunner. :robot::sweat_drops:

no they just love sylvanas.
alleria got her character gutted and ruined.
and veressa just sits in a corner every expansion and gets ignored.
at least veressa fans…whoever they are dont have to worry.