Alleria Alliance Reconnections

Hi all. It is so good to see so many people. I remember seeing some of the names even if I have never talked with any. I got into the game in 2005 just a few months after my daughter was born. Was on maternity leave and was super bored. My brother (Rexace) introduced me. My main was Airwyn (druid, healer) and I also had a few others I played regularly - Penthesilea (night elf hunter), Erenach (gnome, mage) and Muninn (Human, rogue) were probably my most common ones. Was in the guilds of Lex et Odo, Coalesce and Knights of Coalesce. Thank you all.

Hey there, I played a Dwarf priest on Alleria named Penlog for a majority of Vanilla. I was in Penance/Risen/Way of the Warrior during my period on the realm. Looking to find some of the people I played with back then, more specifically one guy, I used to play with a gnome mage named Dodo just curious if he still plays.

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Oh wow! That’s really cool, I just want to know if all my dudes are doing well, yeah and no, I remember you Snake. It’s been a long, long time. I hope you’re doing well.

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Hey all, I see a few names I remember here already. I played as Yapper the suicidal gnome mage. Was part of UGA back in the day and guild hopped like crazy. was a member of The lollipop guild, Dreamers, We Die A Lot among others at some stage but my original home was - Not in a Guild- . I Joined Lunar Chaos after the merge and committed suicide on a nightly basis trying to beat Nanobreath on the DPS meters. I’m still married to Sarbella who was my pocket priest until she joined Risen. We did transfer over to oceanic servers in WOTLK but we never settled in the same as we did on Alleria.


Hey all ya’ll from RI! Tunabun (not Tunaboat!) Darazul … haha. Been a long time seeing all those names you listed. Sure does bring back some great memories! Peace out, Tunabun.

PS Arctic is STILL waiting to get his drop for the Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker!!!

hey my I played alleria in vanilla I had my own guild named energized was looking for fueren and killerwofl had a warrior named Galilean and a hunter named Claws.

Tuna! Hey man sorry i couldn’t remember exactly what your toons name was. Good to see you again man! We raided BC together too didn’t we? i cant remember the name of the guild Uber(SP) was in there too wasn’t he? LOL Artic and the terrible RNG.

Hey Hi!

Ashlea the gnome mage here. Used to be in a few guilds depending on when you played.

The Shadow Riders
Big and Scary

Also had a few other toons, Ashnod the NE Dr00d and Ashance a pally.

I’ve kept in contact with a lot of the people I used to play with, so I probably won’t find any missed connections. But you never know <3


Hey Dal lol what is up :smiley:

Oh **** <.< yeah invite to discord please!!!

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Hey Guys!!! Discord invite please !!!

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All of my toons start with Ldy … there is jo, broker, mage, priest, gnome, pally (those are from old days, now also, druid, gmonk, monk, shadow. oh, a couple more…

Penlog, I remember you and Dodo. Puffy here, I was a pally

Dwarvish Paladin Adamant, had a few alts. Played in night eternal, chosen of the light, perfect circle, Emerald Flame. . .The other Allerians that I’ve reached out to have made toons on the Pagle server


some of the perfect circle guys are on pagle

Renside from Alleria…
heck… still Renside from Alleria…

Vanilla guilds were…
Realm Raider in the early days
Guardians of Destiny, which was a fun bunch to play with.

Feeling this flash back will remind me of the days of real leveling and effort… before it became a flashy game of candy crush.

Main was Janick, I was in Emerald Dream for most of Vanilla. I think we raided MC and some of BWL with a couple other guilds, I want to say Denathor was the one who organized that whole thing back in the day.

Played with a few other people from ISU, I remember Lionhart, Crath, Draldorian, Mentak, and Oscalli, there may have been a few more I’m forgetting.

Also remember some guildies like Velomark and Kiran, and dozens of others of course.

And if any of you remember Katydid from Emerald Dream and/or Tranquility, we got married 9 years ago and still play, mostly on Alleria and some on Stormrage.

We’re both going to be rolling on Pagle in Classic.

Great to see all those names again :slight_smile: Gundin was my main, but I was also Kerana & Kamor. Created my toons on Mankirk

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Gundin! Hey there.

When I say Willow - you say Rose!