Hello everyone,
it’s been so long since the days of Vanilla, and I was so much younger and can’t remember any of my guilds prior to the release of the Burning Crusade expansion.
Here’s what I do know, our old guild leader was Inde, and I went by the same name that you see here, Djwarhunter. I also had my druid, Djwardruid, those were my two mains back then.
I’m hoping my name is memorable enough for some people to remember me by.
I’m looking to play on Myzrael upon release, so if anyone remembers anything, please feel free to let me know!
These are exciting times indeed and hopefully a few friendships will be rekindled too.
Doing well enough! Can’t complain. I know Asien’s doing fine. Don’t know about Avix though. I’m assuming he is. Hope you’re doing well too!
Hey Jof,
This Callwing, good to see you back.
Pretty good! A few of us are going to play on Mankrik if interested. Feel free to battletag me Thib#1812 and of course anyone else from the old guild as well!
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I keep thinking of more people:
hey I was in rolling thunder at one point, dwarf hunter Dwunter,
dont know why it aws set on my lowbie alt that i never play lol
Dwarf Hunter, was in rolling thunder and silent reign, played with a few people, funkin ( NE Rogue), Minial (NE Druid)
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Find me on Discord tholaris#7107
Kmart, long time! Zara here. Not sure how much I will play but feel free to look me up Zara#1681
I remember you Iella, Zara here, feel free to look me up, not sure how much I will play on classic though Zara#1681
I remember your name Calexsis. I also played a bit with Avix and I recognize Snakedoc’s name. What was your guild called?
I had a dwarf priest named Uori, and a NE warrior named Eldaren.
Trayne here, NE Hunter who resided in guilds Death From Above and Elysian. Did a ton of PVP and PVE on Alleria in Vanilla.
Where is Wrex the Tauren Warrior? That a-hole always murdered me in Arathi Basin, haha
NE Rogue Imgnnahurtu, was in Ordo Sanguis and on to A Perfect Circle. I Spent a lot of time in pvp and made it to Marshal.
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Hello Reanna and Ed, imgnnagurtu here
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good to see you, imgnnahurtu/iah here
Hi all, I don’t think many will remember me but just in case
I played a Draenei Warrior Tank named Jaulden in TBC and a hunter named Mixomatosis in Vanilla and TBC. I raided more than a few times with folks from Premonition and Risen. I can’t recall the name of my old guild, oddly enough, at this time but I might remember names if I saw them. I switched to Zuljin and Horde for Wrath and never looked back. I hope you all are well.
I was also in TF for some time…until early this year.
Hey Trayne!
Mirrai and I are running Horde on Grobbulus, Allies on Skeram. Nice to see a familiar name even if I had to scroll a while to see it.
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