Alleria Alliance Reconnections

Hi Scrim! Remember all those DM Tribute runs I tanked on Cormir? Arch healed them. Good times! What server are you on? I am on Myzrael with a few other folks from back in the day.

OMGS, who are you talking to for 15 hours a day? is it your BFF Jill? :smiley:

Sup Goldi and Nomeme.

If you guys are on Pagle, come join us.
We have 30+ people from the old Dawn and other Alleria’s old guilds.

Hey, This is Thorm from Alleria. Who remembers exploring places with me?

Xeo - Dwarf Paladin / Yeyeud - Dwarf Priest

I played as a NE Rogue on Alleria. My name back then was Rsan. I raided in a guild called Rapture. I PvPed a ton and was overly passionate about it LOL. I was the first rogue that was big on Maces and Combat spec for PvP. Mace stuns were so powerful in PvP. I will never forget Risen allowing me to go with them on a Kazzak run and giving me the Empyrean Demolisher for a reasonable fee of a Myrmidon’s Signet.

Names I remember of the PvP crew I ran with:

There were many others that I PvPed with a ton but sadly it has been so long I can’t remember their names now :frowning:

I am playing as a Feral Druid on Pagel now with the name Rsan… been raiding and casually PvPing.

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I played as a NE Hunter named Atriana.

Looking for Faintofdark

I’m a little late… but hey!!! Orilla, certainly a name that took me back. Please add! - Battletag: Nightghost#11747 I can get into contact with bluejean and smokeone!

I sent a friend request ^_^,
I just saw this! My battletag is Aries#1428
<3 <3 I am so happy to reconnect!

I did it again… Wrong character lol

Bit late to the party, but looking to reconnect with OG Allerians for Classic. One motive is to see the Gates open, since I think we all know what happened the last time.

Character as you see at left. Founding member of and Recruitment Officer for Fatal 2006-2015, formerly of the Vanilla raid guilds Devotion and its successor, Mirage. Field Marshal of the Alliance, Battleground Leader, Hand of A’dal, Arms DPS Try Hard, Passer of a Warglaive of Azzinoth (which was DE’d), Wielder of (server 4th, ish) Shadowmourne, discovered God Mode with Failure as my pocket healer, Counter-Troller of Gaetusk, Slayer of Wrex. I also once attempted to have a conversation with Neden.

And by OG Allerians I also include, of course, my Horde frenemies in Powerlamers and on High Warlord Kurtz’s premade.

Say hi @ Dunnik#1440

Crashing this thread, hoping to locate an old friend

His name was Aralas, he was Aussie, and I just wanna know what happened to him, good kid <3

guild: energized
looking for: fureun: and killerwofl

DAL this is Xaneynn, Callera’s brother. I remember the good old day man.

You’re a counter what now?

Xaneynn + Callera <3

You still playin Hockey boss? It’s Thrasher or Lightofavalon (i think was my palas name back then?)

Yeah I still play twice a week lol

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Hi Bao…I remember you from
OS … this is Rayalight if you remember me. I am still playing but TBC classic on Atiesh for alliance and for horde Mankrik. Ever want to play or anyone else for that matter. My id is kas #11787 just lemme know who ya are when you add :slight_smile:

I remember you Nored. This is Rayalight if you remember. I play alliance on TBC classic my many alts but usually can catch me on zixxi , zicelyn, nikel or kasba

Rsan! Hey it’s Leafygreens. We used to PVP together back in the Rapture days.

Definitely great reading some familiar names from back then.