Alleria Alliance Reconnections

I used to play with Night and Monsin (forget how to spell her toon’s name). Calculator (warlock). great people!

-Bubbles / Grahen

I would be surprised if Dodo is still alive! That sailor was a crazy guy but i loved him. One year at Blizzcon he got a bit drunk and was standing on the edge of a balcony many floors up.

I went by Knatniam a Human warrior on Alleria. I transferred in from Risen on Thunderhorn to do Arenas with a friend.

I then bounce around a couple times from Faded to Fatal then with Wins (10 man Hardmode focused) for a year then Bushido until we combined with Fatal. Honestly once Lich King was dead I lost a lot of drive to play. It felt like we’d just killed Sauron lol, what was the point after that!?

While in Wins I used to run regularly with one of Premonition’s PUG groups through ICC-25.

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Damn i was in thunder hammer/rolling thunder. I was the noob warrior Staga. I remember being carried through AQ with you guys

Hey there, hit us up we are going strong on Pagle right now, Tholaris#7107 or AS9312#1399 (bnet).

I’m Talaran, still around. I’m not hopping into classic right away. I have been busy with RL but if you want to add me on bnet JamJam#1870

I have a few people from NE on my friends list btw still as well that you might not even still have. It was a shame what happened with WDA going into TBC. I’d be back for rolling the warrior again perhaps in a week or two if you guys are on a server.

Oh and if anyone remember my weekly pugs they’ll likely be making a comeback. Where I’d just spam ya’ll in trade chat and push people through zg/aq20/mc just for the funz on alts since I didn’t really need aynthing from it.

I was Thryn - Human Warlock. Guild was Dreamers. I’m not actively playing, but wouldn’t mind reconnecting.

Hi guys… original pre-hacked kervon here.

Dawn and lots of other alleria folks have started up on Pagle. Come join us!

now there’s a proper blast from the past name!!!

That rings a bell from WDA …

Hah, thats another name I recognize - cant believe your rocking the same rogue!! Hot me up on Bnet - Grumble#6207

Hey V its Rebornone (Dwarf Priest). I was wondering if anyone was still around!!! Hit me up on Discord Lemur#3416 !!!

Hey there. Played on Alleria with my very first toon, Freud, a dwarf pally. I was in a small little guild called “Champions of Heart” or something to that effect. Only person I remember is a human female pally named Liandra/Liandris. Anyone from that guild still on? HMU.

So many vaguely and sharply familiar names here … makes me nostalgic.

I did a bunch of pvp in vanilla including helping Eunquan, Exo, Humanchick, Nirunti and Raijy get to Grand Marshall. Dazziel just missed it, if I recall.

Pvpers may want to check the horde version of this board; a lot of familiar names there too.

Hi to any that remember me. Still around on Alleria on Noquit the mage and in Classic Atiesh on Evianis (random name) the druid.

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Hey Glyndon!

Scrimshaw (Leesil) here.

Definitely remember most of the names you posted, hope everyone is doing great :slight_smile:

Playing Classic in < CookieParty > as a warrior named Barbaria and have a mage named, you guess it, Scrimshaw, that I’ll likely level as well.

Golar, Horde side hunter, used to play pvp alot… where my grand marshalls at?

Hi Grahen!! It’s Cephius. You spelled Monsin correctly. Apryl and I had come fun times raiding back then.


Cephius here: Human squishy mage with a lot of rage. Apryl is my beloved lock.
We played (on Alleria):
Deus Vincit
Living Gods
Aftermath (on Thrall server)

Looking for killerwofl and feuren or fauren my guy was Galilean the warrior

looking for anyone from Praetorians or the old Common Allies.
Remember Fearnothing leading the old MC runs