All Warriors Unsub!

He should be! That never made sense.

Actually I think MC bosses had a lot of fire resistance, which is why fire mage wasn’t so good back then.

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Or play another class?

Uhmn… arms warriors are one of the best PvP specs right now

Nah, if i wanted to play another class i would create another no?

Yep, that’s the idea. Play another class if the class you are playing isn’t pleasing you. And hopefully, sooner or later, Warrior will be pleasing to play again. :sunglasses:

Not worth an unsub for, imho.
However, Fury Warrior is so bad, I switched to my DH.
Let that sink in…

why fury is always trash?

I don’t understand?

Blizzard fears fury warrior?

Bring us back the Gladiator stand!

It’s not always trash. It was mid-ranged dps in BFA which was still respectable and good. It was really good in Legion. Execute phase was pretty op.

I can’t hear you over my C O N D E M N.

I’d pay extra money to walk into PvP and never see a warrior again.

Pvp and Pve are actually different games, warriors are Trash in PVE

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Depends, but I know for sure Blizzard developers hates this class with a passion.

They’re literally free kills to your class. How are you having a tough time?




Always the scrubs spewing this crap.

Fury actually shines in torgast, which i know is not really useful, but fury warrior can meme through layer 8 of torghast like its nothing.


So even they hate their own work and design decisions…

warlocks have two “bad” specs yet you don’t see many unsubbing.

How about no?

Sadly yes which has been a going trend for over a decade. GhostCrawler was known for favoring mages a lot which you know what that means for LoL mmorpg.

Sadly that’s the only thing it shines in very well :rofl: