Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’s words quoted by the Title may have merit. Let’s see what forms of crazy they have:
Twilight Sparkle: OCD and OCPD. No explanation needed.
Applejack: Normal
Rarity: OCD, Infantile Histrionic Personality Disorder(HPD with Borderline features) and Impulsive Borderline Personality Disorder(BPD with Histrionic or Anti-Social Features). Besides the obvious Histrionic and OCD traits she has the self damaging, Impulsive, Chaotic Relationships, Mood Swings and Fear of Abandonment which are 5 BPD traits(and 5 are needed for diagnosis).
Rainbow Dash: Superiority Complex with one instance of Acquired Situational Narcissism(during the Mysterious Mare Do Well incident).
Pinkie Pie: Vivacious Histrionic Personality Disorder(HPD with Hypomanic Narcissistic features). Is extremely bubbly, animated, adventure-seeking, impulsive and has her constant good mood destroyed whenever her vain narcissistic bubble is shattered(like when thinking her Parties aren’t drawing Ponies or when told her music is bad)!
Fluttershy: Submissive Borderline Personality Disorder(BPD with Avoidant features). One Blog Post(
) claims that Fluttershy has 2 Borderline features yet I see 5 (which is the amount needed for BPD diagnosis)!
- Markedly disturbed sense of identity.
- Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment and extreme reactions.
- Intense or uncontrollable emotional reactions(I.E. Mood Swings) that often seem disproportionate to the event or situation.
- Distorted self-image.
- Frequently accompanied by depression, anxiety, anger, substance abuse, or rage(in the case of Fluttershy the emotion is Anxiety except in Putting your Hoof Down where it’s Rage).
Trixie Lulamoon: Amorous Narcissistic Personality(NPD with Histrionic features)
Maud Pie: Schizoid Personality Disorder
Marble Pie: Avoidant Personality Disorder
Limestone Pie: Intermittent Explosive Disorder and Depression
Starlight Glimmer: Sociopath with her Sociopathic world view shattered leaving her socially awkward(no thanks to time travel).
Sunset Shimmer: Acquired Situational Narcissism which was cured resulting in an Empath.
This is a spiritual continuation of Batman's Rogues Gallery & Disorders.
MLP:FiM is something I came to be aware of due to a WoW Fan Site that has long closed down. I barely ever watch the show and only look at clips of the show if they seem interesting to me.
I do look at the Transcripts and Galleries on the MLP Wiki as well as the MLP:FiM TV Tropes Page a lot since they give me a lot of information on the story as well as the characters’ personalities(I like researching things).
man i just collected the toys because i like cute things, all the Deep Lore stuff going on with G4/FiM is just bonkers to me.
Just like WoW’s Lore is I think…
Season 4 Pinkie Pride-Weird Al Guest Starts.
Season 6 Dungeons and Discord-fun D&D episode. Q from Star Trek:TNG plays Discord.
Season 6 Stranger than Fan Fiction- Patton oswalt Guest Stars.
Season 7 The Perfect Pear- William Shatner guest Stars.
A few episodes you should check out.
I know someone that made their WoW toons in the G4 MLP style. Should I ask them to make one of you?
You wouldn’t do that to my beautiful character! ;-;
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Must amend Starlight Glimmer’s diagnosis of crazy: Reputation-defending Psychopath or Sociopath(Psychopath or Sociopath with Narcissistic features) with her Psychopathic world-view shattered leaving her socially awkward.
Also must add Multiple Personality Disorder to Fluttershy’s Submissive Borderline diagnosis! Multiple Personality Disorder often comorbids with Borderline Personality Disorder as a side effect of a Borderline’s need to mirror people(their way of combatting the emptiness they share with Schizoids, Schizotypals, Narcissists and Histrionics).
i think it would be interesting to hear your take on different wow lore characters
Sylvanas is a Borderline and Garrosh is also a Borderline as is Thrall as he has a guilt complex yet refuses to take the blame for his actions (why are so many Horde leaders suffering from BPD?..).
Of the Burning Legion: Sargeras is a Sociopath(capable of sadness but not remorse), Gul’dan is also a Sociopath, Kil’jaeden is a Normal scared out of his wits, Archimonde is an Enforcing Psychopath(Psychopath with Sadistic and OCPD features), Mannoroth is an Explosive Psychopath(Psychopath with BPD Features) and Xavius is a Machiavellian(a Normal that ignores Empathy).
The Old Gods are Psychopaths as is Cho’gall while Azshara is a Narcissist and Deathwing is a Situational Acquired Narcissist.
Arthas and Jaina are Borderlines.
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