All these nerf arms threads

buff arms lets get another +30% slapped on ms, i wanna delete transmogs when i hit ms

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Clearly that is not a representation of how good classes are by who ques in that rating.

Thats not showing “played in the past 2 weeks” sort by that it will show you something much different. Lots of Arms are camping rating. Also, no mages? no DHs?
Games are flooded with mages and DHs since yesterday.

Sometimes actually playing the game represents more factual information than looking at a graph

All the primary ret comps aren’t really good rn

Cupid isn’t good, ret demo isn’t that good. Ret warr is decent but if there are any mage teams or splays queueing then you just get farmed.

Arms boomy, arms destro, arms sp, arms arcane are prob all better.

Buffing damage was never the way to go, other than execute, they should’ve just removed 50% of the pvp modifier nerfs - to counter the crit nerf, and Arms would be fine. /shrug

participation and awc do not matter at all (ok maybe awc matters a bit), people will play their favorite class/spec and if they’re good theyll do well with them anyways, regardless of meta/strength
they aren’t correlative at all
just because for instance, at my rat league elo, i see stuff like arms running over mages who double blink and dont have alter bound, does that mean arms>mage?
no anyone with a brain knows if the mage had nova and alter bound, arms is going to have the roughest time on the planet
personal anecdotes are relative to the person experiencing them and will be different is my point
jimmy plays near the top end the ladder and sees some of the higher skill expression the game has to offer
doublezug does not
you guys aren’t even in the same world and shouldnt honestly be discussing strengths because you’re both reading two different books

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I’d pay for a second subscription if it meant not queuing into another Mage. :dracthyr_heart:


all i said is arms is the 4th most played meele above 2400
and now it just got buffed so it will probably be played more
atleast cr wise

people that see specs used to their potential have more merit on what’s strong than people that fight players who are missing keybinds.


Or don’t even have keyboards. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

yeah definitely.

I’m not sure I’d call someone thats been 2400 consistently throughout their wow career when not playing casually, and 2700 multiple seasons missing keybinds, or not playing at the top of the ladder, but sure.

hey do you know what hyperbole means

if ~2700 isnt the top of the ladder, im not sure what is

i’ve played my fair share of games at the top of the ladder throughout the seasons, wow is just a meme now tho to pass time

Who are we referring to here, exactly

Last season solo shuffle 2700 was 800 rating away from the top of the ladder my brother

sure, if I was 2700 at the end of the season, but I was 2700 and rank 19th Arms midway thru the season, my brother

Oh, is he using his shuffle exp


idk about that one, your checkpvp says a different story unless you got more toon names for me that you can verify are you

Kenny, i’ve been 2400+ in 2s 3s and 5s probably before you were out of diapers

Oh, I see. Thank you for clarifying.


Solo shuffle 2700 was top of the ladder maybe the second day of the season.

Mid season the top of the ladder was already 3400

I don’t think u ever played at the top of the ladde