bloodrage does not get nearly enough flak for how obnoxious it makes fury counterplay
hey its 4th most played meele over 2400 and give it a week or two will prob be 2nd?
How long has it been since you played?? You must not play this game, especially after yesterdays patch.
Outlaw is only good in some comps, its definitely not the best melee, its situational.
Sub is not the 2nd best spec.
Here is the list a lot closer -
Tier 1 WW >
Tier 2 UH DK = Sub/Outlaw = Ret = DH >
Tier 3 Feral = Fury = Enh
Tier 4 Arms = Surv
Tier 5 FDK - but can still do well in RSS globaling people
hamstring hit me for 1.4k dmg
please delete the entire class blizzard
Outlaw rogue is cracked but you need to queue into actual pumper at high mmr to understand why.(most outlaw rerolls are trash)
No it isn’t, and No it wont. Search by representation of recently played. Arms has fallen off as the season progressed. Doesn’t scale with gear. Just like it doesnt do 420k single Target Bladestorm damage.
again, Just because outlaw works in 1-2 comps in AWC does not make it god tier.
Nor does the top .1% of players being able to abuse it.
It’s gimmicky, it was considered the worst melee in the game a month ago.
Outlaw is god tier when played by a real one trick rogue main.
No1 is talking about awc lmao.
If a bunch of 4 year olds aren’t strong enough to hold and a pkm light machine gun then that doesn’t mean it’s a bad weapon lmao.
yeah I q this game at top mmr everyday into the best players i’d say i’m pretty knowledgeable about what’s good and what isn’t.
your list is based on how sub par players play each spec, my list is based on how each spec is played at the highest cap it can be played at, so I understand why you have it in that order.
delete this post brother
the more that people that think its busted, the more likely blizzard might not buff it into becoming a problem
a lot has changed since yesterday. DH went up WW remains high, sub is not god tier its easily countered by people that know how to play, and outlaw only works in a handful of comps. No one is taking an Arms warrior over a Fury ret DH or Enh. You have a clear Arms warrior bias’d hatred and its showing.
Dude please stop doin this.
idk about that one chief
sub rogue’s ability to die is determined by the person playing the rogue and not the other way around
id say thats p god tier
its not better than WW UH, new DH, or outlaw.
Why do you think they didn’t play it in AWC?
LOL just outplay the shadowy duel quarter cheap shot 400k secret technique
I’d much rather play with a arms war over all of those specs actually, I love qing with arms and love seeing it do well now especially since my main team has an arms war main on it.
maybe over Fury because everyone hates fury, and enh because it relies too much on RNG. Definitely not better than Ret or DH… please don’t say otherwise. lol
cool are we playing awc in ladder or something now
why is this even a talking point for people like it matters
im not going to speculate on the quagmire of awc player’s mind because they build comps around specific purposes to counter specific things, and that mindset isnt applicable at all to ladder
awc is practically a completely different game to live and people need to stop acting like they’re the same
arena mate scans every few hours
top 1000
Doesn’t matter what ladder participation is or what people play in awc.
Outlaw being S+ is a objective truth about the game.
You could maybe argue ret over arms but like I said the gap between all melee is very small besides rogue being above all by a mile.