All these nerf arms threads

When arms isn’t even a top 5 melee?


I like your hat.


It’s quite a nice hat.


Stop u guys are gonna make me blush :blush:


They read buffs, don’t read the nerfs, and cry wolf.
Typical forums overreaction. Arms is still B tier.

Fury on the other hand, I’ve seen sitting in defensive stance all game, while topping damage. Pretty interesting. Their ramp up time seems non existant also, I’ve seen a Fury pump 1 million dmg in the first 8 seconds.


Was going to say, I’m surprised to not see fury complaints, onslaught and execute buffs. Should have onslaught hitting for over 100k now. I figured fury would be outperforming arms


Fury kind of scary to play when there’s a lot of Arms Warriors about.

I’m not sure that invoking rep statistics two days after a pretty major tuning change is the right logic to employ. Especially this far into a season. There’s a lot of data/activity to settle out, and there are a lot of spots taken up by players who got rating when their spec was the feature one.

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Has it even been long enough to see what the true representation will be?

Seems like it’s a bit soon for that metric to be very accurate.

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Jimmy don’t be baited,

The only people posting about this are 600 games deep @ 1400 exclusively in shuffle. They aren’t even playing WoW.

Melee still better than arms:

  • Every spec of rogue
  • Ret
  • WW
  • DH
  • Probably fury if only because of bloodrage
  • Feral

Twinning :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

it is. definitely better than Arms, still.

u forgot enh and UH dk

it’s ok, not as good as my hat

Yeah I forgot a few for sure.

UH 100% better but enh is close

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Also, look at this from the inverse perspective using the whole season’s rep data. That picture actually shows an arms warrior that didn’t need this drastic of a buff if you ask me.

enh wins games. Arms is nothing but a bot.

regardless of representation in the 2k-2300 range (arms is low in 2400+) … Arms fell off as soon as they nerfed crit. No ifs ands or buts. It received large pvp nerfs to all its damaging abilities last season, which was resulting from crit.

Now crit is nerfed, our best secondary stat, and the abilities are still nerfed, that were nerfed because of warriors crit scaling.

They moved a lot of damage into bleeds, which are actually meaningless in a caster meta. Lots of Warriors switched to the bleed builds end of last season.

Now in caster meta, bleeds are not effective. you need to spread on 2-3 targets for them to be effective, constantly over the whole match, this is not possible now. They also scaled really well with crit.

Arms has been bad (comparably) since before the season started, as soon as they announced the patch notes.

This was not a surprise to anyone that knows the mechanics of Arms warriors.

Moved damage out of burst/crit, into bleeds and sustain, nerfed crit, caster meta, gg dead arms.

If anything tells you how bad Arms is compared to its potential, people are stacking mastery, its been known to be the worst stat for Arms in PvP and PvE… so we’re now stacking our worst stat because Arms doesn’t scale off haste past 15-20% soft cap(lowers gcd very minimally for arms, and only scales bleeds which are not good in this caster meta), and our best stat crit is no longer worth stacking, you actually try to get as little as possible.

On top of being the last pure physical damage dealer, and armor scaling exponentially as the seasons goes on, Arms gets lower and lower, hence why there was an Armor penetration stat before, then it shifted to crit damage in our talent tree to overcome armor deficits and caster mobility.

If they don’t revert the crit nerfs - and nerf other specs damage accordingly instead of trying to bandaid fix with trinket set bonuses, Arms will continue to not be good and need a complete rework.

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They’re natural enemies.
Like mages and warriors.
Or rogues and warriors.
Or warlocks and warriors.
Or warriors and other warriors.

Damn warriors! They ruin pvp!


outlaw > sub > ww > Unholy dk > arms > ret > surv > feral > Fury > dh > enh > frost dk

in 3v3 arms is def one of the better melee but the gap between all melee is not that large other than rogue being a god class still.