@ All the Soloque Threads

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for making all of the soloque threads. Please remember this time in your life when all of the “solo queue rated battleground” folks start to come back out of the woodwork’s.

Them: Solo Queue RBG would be easy to implement and fix the game.

Dreaux: No it won’t.

Them: Shut up tank

Is there anybody who thinks solo queue rbgs would be easy to implement? I haven’t really seen any good suggestions besides “well sometimes your comp is awful so play more” which is why they didn’t do 3v3 soloq for as long as they did, and only because the shuffle format kind of addresses that.

so what youre saying is every time someone caps a flag 2 random players are team swapped :brain:

imagine capping, getting swapped, recapping, getting swapped :rofl:

Yes there were plenty of threads that thought RBGsoloque would be easy to implement. Some thought that it was so easy that blizzard should implement it with just a flip of a switch.

Like, they could. It’d be miserable, but they could. :dracthyr_tea:

Look at the problems with Arena Q. 1 flag cap and DPS #6 say’s “I’m out”.

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One team caps, other team has leaver, nobody gets points. :dracthyr_love_animated:

AKA waste of time for the majority.

tanks suck but i’m happy to have the game mode. because now that we have it, it can be polished to something the players enjoy.

i think solo shuffle will greatly improve player versatility; feels like something that was lost long ago. Being able to adapt to more than just “healer used trinket we win next go” or “oh big red enemy button horn noise, time to run” , solo shuffle is just chaotic enough to teach people how to think on the fly maybe.

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Idk I know I’ve definitely gotten more adaptive and “better” from the experience. Last game some warlock with 50k hp was getting dogpiled every game so I told him to hide and gripped everyone making a beeline for him, dropped DnD w/ 90% snare, Abomb Limb’d everyone with DRS out, stunned when I was out of grips etc. Warlock lived!

Next game this super unkillable slippery Warlock evaded the entire melee zerg by himself, virtually could not keep him down, teleported, portaled, ran off snare-free. I actually congratulated him on being amazing at his class.

Wish I could say that for the rest of the tank hating crybabies. Honestly, the louder they cry the worse they look. Buncha bads. :poop:

Tank shuffle is the guy who trinket walled opener dying second DR. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

My real dad pre-walls the stun and holds trinket like a g

Please do not take offense to this but I struggle to not say this EVERYTIME that I see your name. This has nothing to do with anything that you have posted.

/petergriffin Shut Up Meogg.

It is out of my system. Carry on.

idc how hard it’d be to implement, soloq 6v6 rbgs would be very fun. That 6v6 brawl is very fun. Getting better competition in it would make it even better.

They can’t get 3v3 in a good spot and you want to try 6v6 or 10v10? These are just threads that have been bumped within the last hour.

Brawl is one thing and let’s call the brawls what they are “bg/arena beta”. It is a good way to test pvp ideas in current content. Put rating attached to it and watch how sweaty the playerbase gets about it.

The only gripes about rated shuffle are tanks and leavers. It has nothing to do with sweat. All the links you provided prove that.

6v6 has a tank a healer and 4 dps. 1 of those issues people have with shuffle now is gone already… tanks. Now blizz figure out how to discourage leaving and seems like it’d be golden.

I wish them luck on their endeavors to launch a soloq RBG bracket but 15+ years of experience shows that they will not put the proper resources into thinking it out thoroughly.

RBG’s were at their greatest for the first few expansions (not seasons) when they were first introduced (ignoring class balance) because actual teams would form and attempt to climb the ladder together.

Solo Q RBG’s will be nothing but people playing for themselves. It will incentive and reward selfish behavior as already seen in RatedSoloque in the links that I posted.

People don’t want tanks? I will take my ball and go home. I get and understand where people complaining are coming from but there is not a chance that Blizzard is going to ban any player or role from participating in any form of paid content. Limit, yes. Ban, never.

It will carry over to RBG soloque as well.

Soloq rbg would have been better to implement. Random tank, 3 random healers,6 random dps, get ratings.

1 Random Players quits after 10 mins. No one gets rating.