I used to have a cat who loved to chill on top of the fridge, but the current ones aren’t as good jumpers
Only one I ever farmed for because I knew I’d use it.
omg that’s so cute.
Great thread, love seeing the pets.
hehe ty ya there’s so many here! I’ll try to get up some links to new pets coming next patch and go from there.
It’s fully removed now, looks like people thought I was trolling, interesting. I will take inappropriate, but I meant every word of it and it’s not due to my loss or circumstance. So no to those that reported it, I was not trolling.
To be fair, I hit it with inappropriate when it had the vid and it was unflagged when it was removed so /shrug (and to clarify I did not hit it again after! )
Oh well, I do have pics but have no idea how to get them from my picture file on my PC to posted on here.
If you have a twitter you can put them on there then link that here. Otherwise you can upload to like IMGUR.com
(or another website you can even copy a link from discord if you’ve shared them there) then putting a ` before and after the link.
it will look like that when properly formatted.
She loved water, to the point we would have to make her quit and take a break. Bulldogs don’t do so well when they get to worked up, but she loved it. It was sad when she got older and we had to cut her off from her favorite game. But here she is young and having a blast, my favorite is the hippo mouth shot.
Embedded for you so they show.
Thank you!
Oh my goodness she is so cute!
Got my hunter to be able to tame dragonkin so that’s nice to check off the list. Not sure I’ll keep playing her but I at least wanted to be able to tame new dragons.
Still need to get the thingy that lets you tame Crawgs @_@
That’s the thing off normal and up Zul ya?
Normal in the first bfa raid. Not the raid on zuldazar
Oh zul the boss oops lol not zul the raid xD my goof
Oh derp. Right
Lol all good. Too many zuls xD
I forgot to mention previous pets
There was Bam the bearded dragon. I have a big fear of crickets so feeding him was stressful but he was still one fat happy dragon. Not a thought going on in that head of his but he was still a fun pet.
My first big family pet was a toy poodle named Sherrie. Smart lil bugger that one. She was always happy when “new boys” showed up. Like if we had to call a repair guy over for something. She’d be super friendly with them. Other girls? Barely acknowledged their existence lol. Got her when I was 5 and I remember being in my late teens when she passed.