Meh… I would guess most people roll hunter enjoy ranged dps… the rare person who tries to do melee? Is probably really putting effort into it and enjoys it. So be it.
I don’t think anyone playing a very low performing spec expects to be involved in progression encounters, but are more than satisfied with coming along on farm runs.
Heck even progression fights… geesh it’s been proven now that you don;t have to have top geared raiders to kill Rag…
I feel like the people saying you shouldn’t raid as certain specs are the same people saying classic is too easy. With all the knowledge and experience the player base has these days I really don’t think it matters what spec you play as anymore. Personally I think it makes raids more fun and less elitist. Just showing up and knowing your class is all you really need.
Edit: Obviously you wouldn’t want a healer to be dps spec or a tanks not set up for tanking. Roles still need to be filled with certain specs.
Hey man, if you’re a shaman raiding as enhancement…that’s fine. I just don’t think you should expect to get any Tier set drops. No Str, no AP, no Agi; that gear’s no good for you. It’s better off going to other shaman. Thanks for filling a raid slot though!
You actually can play anything. You’ll never not be able to clear a raid because someone isn’t the best spec. Everyone just watches too much youtube and they all think they’re going for world first. Let’s not forget about the damage meters, we must top those at all costs!
You are confusing being carried through a raid with being a viable DPS in that raid. Again, no one is saying that it is impossible to carry a few gimped specs through the raid. That doesn’t mean those gimped specs are viable contributors to a raid’s success.
Meaningful is a useless qualifier in this context. All damage is useful.
You language is suggesting a binary state for raiders,
State 1: You do meaningful damage (as defined by you)
State 2: You are worthless and being carried
Every body in a raid can be meaningful. As a raid leader, it’s your responsibility to find a blend of bodies that both contributes to raid success, but also contributes to guild success. The real end boss of Classic raids is maintaining a roster fo people who want to come play with you every week.
Raids in Classic are about much more than crushing DPS meters with a bunch of people you will never see again. Raids are a guild-wide event that can either bring unity and joy to your guild, or they can bring jealousy and poison. Guess which side of that spectrum meter-humpers are on.
Let the people do what they want ya?
Let the people bring that dumbo spec to raid ya?
Let the people get yelled at by their gm and kicked out of raid ya?
Let the people have crappy dps and feel entitled to their spec ya?
Let the people play oomkin, (too)early fire spec, elemental, and ret ya?
Alright, thats fine, but just keep me and my shadow spec out of it.
No one is saying that you cannot or should not raid as a particular spec. We are saying that some specs are so gimped that they are not meaningfully contributing to the success of the raid. They are not capable of carrying their own weight and must thus be carried by others. Of course that’s possible. Of course some people will still find that fun. That’s fine, but it doesn’t mean that those specs are viable.
I’m not even talking about group content, questing as melee is already garbage. Sometimes I have to fight mobs on so small rooms i don’t have space to get 8 yards away and end up going melee. And it’s horrible. You just auto attack and raptor strike which is just another auto attack. And unless you want to be tanking, mongoose bite and counter attack are out of the equation.
It’s not a useless qualifier. If your spec played optimally cannot compete with other specs played below average, and you bring nothing to the table that makes up for that deficiency, then you aren’t meaningfully contributing. You are being carried. If you find that fun and your raid group is up for it, have fun. No one should stop you.
Let’s just not confuse that with being viable at your role.
The top dps could be doing 1/4 of what they are doing and be viable in their role. If they are over performing, good for them.
Take boss health divided by number of dps divided by maximum time of fight before heals all oom or some boss mechanic takes over and you’ll come up with a rather trivial number. If people are hitting that number as dps they are viable.
No, players want to be carried. Its just the way of the world these days though. People want to take the easy road, and move on to something else. And that want to be hyper-critical of anyone not following the meta when meta isn’t even remotely needed to be successful in this game.
Meta = being higher on the meters.
If everyone was forced to play only meta classes, we’d all be warriors and mages.
You’re right but that’s assuming that your raid is all about that optimization rather than having “fun”. While I’m sure a lot of guilds will be all about that number crunching in reality there will be a LOT of pugs.