All reams 2:1 ratio Horde/Alliance

I hope, if that happens eventually, they force the combination of pro-Horde/pro-Alliance servers.

“Let them fight.”

You remind me to always keep my detect greater invisibility buff on.

On Whitemane, In my experience, Ali will not help if horde are killing you about 30% of the time. Its really dumb as they end up getting killed next.

You are the solution. Roll alliance.

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“Kings of pvp” haha maybe Kings at getting destroyed. The only time I have EVER died to a horde yet have been when they mount a raid and outnumber us at least 3-1. I’ve been killing horde in 1v1 world battles after they try to gank me that are 10+ levels higher than me.

The horde racials are just a crutch for bad players. Anyone who’s actually good at pvp is going to come out on top no matter what faction they play.

The only time this isn’t true is when it’s 4v1 etc…

I even made a level 41 warlock log off last night after he tried to gank me and it ended in me dancing on his corpse.

The main reason the factions don’t seem balanced is layering. Horde invite 6 people (probably from multiple layers) to assist them since they suck and have a crybully mentality when they try to gank and then get killed. Those people all join the same layer and instantly have more horde in the same area than would otherwise be there. That’s it.

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Stealth and invisibility aren’t the same in classic wow

On Whitemane Alli side, same experience.

I never initiate PvP battles while questing but if I see an Ally getting ganked I’ll jump in 100% of the time.

I can not tell you the number of times I’ve jumped in to save someone and they run away and leave me to die. Why are these cowards even on a PvP server in the first place?

But yes, the imbalance is a bit rough. Taking an hour to complete a quest because nobody wants to group, nobody wants to help, and Horde are scattered like ants at a picnic isn’t the most fun. I don’t mind a bit of world PvP while questing but when it’s constant 3v1 ganks, there’s nothing enjoyable about that.

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Why does ratio even matter?

It’s not like every able bodied Horde hits wpvp at the same location, much less the exact same time as every able bodied Alliance, and the only reason one side loses is because the ratio was higher.

I always thought of ratios as scapegoats.

Especially with layering: if you are outnumbered, leave, or go get help to even the score, but I doubt funneling 25 newbs via some Blizzard mechanic, into Durotar will do much to even your particular score.

The amount of variables that have to align, to see those ratios play out routinely, have to be very lopsided before you notice a consistent difference in the game.

I couldn’t agree more with OP. Faction balance is terrible. If you ever thought “wow, this area seems over populated” as a horde, try being alliance running to that same area, but now you’re outnumbered and if someone decides to attack you everybody else decides to kill you as well.
Alliance are forced to dungeon run to level because we can’t even get to the areas to compete with mob spawns.

Horde is the easy mode faction.


You do know that /who only shows up to 50 people though … right?

Umm… obviously not phase 1 because we don’t have BGs to cross realm with. Those won’t be here for months. How else would they “cross realm pvp”?

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stop doing arathi, stonetalon, and skip SKF , seriously i dont grind in the wetlands and run to the dead mines . choose your zones wisely.

PvP faction balance was a major problem for almost 15 years and not until BfA did they really try to solve it (War Mode). Since War Mode ended up being mostly a way to get a PvE buff by turning on a PvP mode it really hasn’t done for WPvP what it could have if it was more PvP focused exclusively. Not sure the faction balance ever evened out after I stopped playing BfA, but it was extremely heavy horde side as well, which results in a lot of horde just being in empty shards since there weren’t enough alliance to put them with.

Since Classic will never have xrealm zones or War Mode, it is what is, it can’t be fixed. BG queue times if massively skewed may encourage some people to re-roll, but that’s about it.

Eh, “skip SFK” is easy to say as Horde when it’s the best caster gear and has some other decent gear for a number of levels. Alliance in Classic get the very short end of the stick when it comes to dungeon access up until post SM. Deadmines is decent, Stockades is garbage and it isn’t until level 30 via Gnomer that you have easy access to another dungeon. BFD is kind of a wash but still favors Horde snice you have a FP closer. SM is the best place to be like 30-40 and it’s in a non-contested horde zone.

I know this title is factually incorrect, I did my own census on Benediction when I was looking for a server to reroll

On a Saturday afternoon (server pop Medium) the ratio was

A: 4.2k
H: 3.9k

Now the ratio will fluctuate but generally speaking you should expect a ratio close to this (maybe a slight Horde favour)

There are also PvE servers that are almost all Alliance

The undead of the Forsaken are almost entirely Lordaeron dead with a few outliers (namely the Dark Rangers in TBC iirc). They, “broke away” from the Lich King but are controlled by Sylvanas, which is revealed later. There are only inklings of dictatorship and control from Sylvanas at the start.

Garithos honoured his end of the deal with Sylvanas. Sylvanas killed him - she never intended to honour what she said.

Kromcrush is very heavily horde biased. Every single contested zone is jam packed with horde. The realm forum is crying out for more alliance.

I’m not complaining BTW, I actually don’t mind it the way it is. I played alliance on Illidan in retail so I’m used to faction imbalance.

My only worry is that when paid transfers come the remaining alliance here get sick of it and move…

What did you expect? The negative stereotypes that alliance has developed over the recent years on retail has carried over to classic. Even though ally in vanilla is a much better faction than they have been the past 8 years, the stereotypes are still there.
Plus people competitive about pvp, even though vanilla doesnt have anything rated, choose the better racials. But mostly is the stereotypes that blizzard devs and the community have built for the alliance over the years.
The imbalance is really gonna be noticeable in phase 2 lol. The forums will be busy then.

You can put in links by using``

Also this website is showing yojamba with no ally in it, the server is high pop.


how did you get from under the table where ppl put there gum