All reams 2:1 ratio Horde/Alliance

Pretty much this… Pagle is definitely Alliance dominated.

From my experience so far in Blaumeux it seems pretty close to 50/50 and the so called “official” discord represents that number as well.

Guess my server lucked out so far

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Deviant Delight has the opposite problem, 2:1 alliance/horde.

Every server in the game?

Stats are basically missing for Arugal and Yojamba, which is strange. I know for sure that Arugal is the most populated OCE server, it had 20k+ queues on release and still had queues of 200+ when I last logged in a few days ago.

That he said that or that there are actually people who think like that?

So I guess there isn’t reliable data yet, would be nice to know.

Horde on Pagle. I doesn’t matter if its a pve server. The amount of alliance is so disgustingly imbalanced it affects pve questing. I couldnt finish a quest today because the area was swarming with alliance, around 5-8 with me and another orc who were unable to tag the mobs we needed before the alliance tore them apart. I had to give up questing in STV because theres like 15 horde to 40 alliance in the zone.

My hope is that all the Alliance just leave so the Horde have nothing to do :smiley: What will all the 60s do if there’s no lvl 30s to troll :open_mouth:

Imagine complaining about STV as a Horde on a PVE server. You literally can not quest in STV on any PVP w/out a 5 man group as Alliance without getting perma camped by people 10 levels higher than you.


yea on fairbanks it is massively more tords horde…and the higher in level you go the worse it gets past lvl 30 its got to be 90 to 95% horde …i mean to get into SM you gona die 10+ times and it can take 30min because of the 100+ horde just camping inside all day just to kill alliance so u run die then rez get as far from your body tords SM as u can then run a few feet die rez and repeat until u get to whatever SM wing you want…or lets say you want to get the whirlwind axe as a warrior lol good luck the tusks you need in STV legit has 100 horde just running around killing alliance and questing …legit 100 horde with maybe a handful of ally players…or the charms you need from arathi …like its so bad alliance pretty much all now just level in dungeons cause there is to many horde to world quest…afew friends of mine are horde on this server and I have asked them and there leveling experience is completely different they can quest all they want they have no issues

It’s definitely a problem on fairbanks, I’m doing my duty camping every horde until they log off. Just got a 5 shaman boxer to spirit rez, and got about 7 more spirit rezzes in thousand needles.

The good pvpers see the imbalance and go for the underdog because it’s more fun, my retail toon is horde but it was clear to me so many scrubs would be rolling horde I didn’t want to join the pack.

If you’re Alliance, do your duty by camping all horde, red=dead, if you’re horde consider transferring off my server or you’ll end up meeting me and I’m not a nice person.


Wait didn’t the horde literally invade Azeroth and kills thousands of humans? Did I dream that?

Look we can’t help that the alliance completely suck at everything that isn’t RP related

Not our issue

Roll alliance and help their cause. You would have plenty of PvP opportunities.

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Zero reliable info, zero source info provided, and completely false. No idea what server you are on, but many servers including the 1 I am on is seeing a lot of open world PvP with good numbers on both sides.

Almost feels like your trolling

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LOLOLOLOLOLOL This is your own doing. Horde are A holes. If every zone didn’t feel like it was 1000 horde against 5 alliance, the alliance wouldn’t quit or reroll on horde. So, until people learn to be civil now and then, the imbalance will ALWAYS occur.

Can you point me to the source that provides that statistic as fact, please?

I’m truly interested to know if, in fact, EVERY server is unbalanced.

I’ll say this to the nay sayers. Create toons on both sides, go to their capital cities. Tell me which has more. It will be Horde.

Without any empirical data from Blizzard themselves, we don’t know for sure. That curse crap is unreliable. But visually speaking, Horde extremely outnumber Alliance. For every 1 comment of “well Alliance overpopulate here”, which I doubt, there is another 10 that say Horde do. I have switched layers and still met the same result in several different zones where Horde are much higher in numbers, and looking into those cities, you can see how heavily sided things are.

In the end, it doesn’t matter. Horde are a holes and will continue to prune the Alliance until they complain about it later when they have to sit in queues. It’s called karma.