All reams 2:1 ratio Horde/Alliance

i mean, corpse run jumping into an instance really isnt difficult. its going to kill meaningful world pvp more than anything and really you’ll only have yourselves to thank for it.


Add faction queues. What’s important is maintaining a fair number of in-game people. If one side has too many more than the other then entering world with that faction results in a queue.

I realize that I’m Horde, and I’m fine with re-rolling, but not everyone is and by extension not everyone I know is (the same is true for everyone, that’s why these problems are sticky). However, if the issue is forced, then it can resolve itself.

Act now because the problem will only worsen.


Return to life as Mujx

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Add more queues to world of queuecraft?

Depends on who you are. I rolled Alliance precisely because it’s Horde dominant. I don’t want to 5vs1 one alliance player. I’d rather be challenged. And let me tell you, it’s very satisfying killing multiple horde who try and kill you thinking they’re going to win cuz they “outnumber me”. Welcome to classic little ones, it ain’t retail where you can just steamroll people with numbers :slight_smile:

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How do we know “All realms 2:1 Horde’Alliance”??

I agree, I think you should start the cause by rerolling alliance.

We’ll reroll too, but at a much later unknown date.

Thanks for your sacrifice.

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Allies are tougher than horde imo.

Horde wants to gang up and gank. Allies want an actual challenge.

get rekt weak herde


Roll Alliance.


Vanilla flashbacks flooding in…

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Oh sweet, instant queues down the road, here I come!

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I’m on the RPPVP server, lots of Alliance but have seen Horde around. Should be fun I think but no idea what the server population is.

Another oddity is how many Female Dwarves I see on my server.

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I have, and it’s not.

What purpose does lying serve?

There’s multiple threads on the subject. PvP realms are 2:1 Horde

What can be done?

sorry, not as many people like the alliance, then their friends also join them instead of starting alone onthe allliance

maybe if more streamers rolled alliance

Good luck with that. Also, while im spam purging all your buffs enjoy putting them all back up. No mercy for the alliance, we own Kalimdor and we’re coming to take the eastern kingdoms from you too.

Add the blood Elfs into the Alliance!

pls keep the cringe rp restricted to grobbulus and the like where it belongs, ty.


I’ll take 10 Navy Seals (Alliance) over 100 terrorists (Horde) any day…

is it confirmed this patch had cross realm PVP for phase 1 or do we not know for sure?