All reams 2:1 ratio Horde/Alliance

Alliance is actually slightly stronger in PVE in vanilla IMO. While many of the world firsts were horde due to Nihilum, more of the top guilds were alliance than horde. Paladins were pretty OP, but shamans had their strengths as well. I think we see this faction imbalance as a result of most retail players preferring horde.

So you’re just agreeing with me then. People that are rolling a faction because “that’s where the winners are” are trash players bud. You seem awfully upset about my post too even though I never said that all horde are trash, just most of them. Why is that? You really think everyone in the horde zerg is an amazing player? lol.

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You can’t be a winner if you surround yourself with losers, that’s a fact of life my man,

Don’t complain on a public forum unless you have an idea of how to fix it.

Ashenvale on Benediction disagrees. It was a poopfest there all weekend and relatively well balanced in numbers.

Good thing you’ve surrounded yourself with plenty of losers on horde side then.


it’s because no one likes the alliance


I love made up numbers.

World pvp be like.
Alliance: We’re being ganked come help at x,y, QQ I’m dead more than alive today, but will still quest in stv.
Horde: Looks like meat’s back on the menu boys!

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Not sure where you are getting your data but I can say, at least for Mankrik, there’s a crap load of alliance in STV. I actually see more alliance than I do horde. Not a PVP server, but hey, that’s just how it is.

I gave up trying to quest in Stonetalon Mountains because of all the Horde there. Even grouped up we were heavily outnumbered. Tons of Alliance in Westfall, Redridge, and Duskwood, so maybe most are just leveling on the Eastern Kingdoms.

/who shows everyone on all layers

The only exception being Mankrik, which appears to have a bit more Horde than Alliance.

I’ve played Alliance on retail WoW since I started, so I picked Horde for Classic. I’m enjoying it quite a bit so far.

Yeah stonetalon is always a pain for ally questing. Even on a server with more alliance than horde, you’d still likely see way more horde than alliance in stonetalon. Duskwood is the opposite. Pretty much always going to see way more alliance there.

Yeah, great solution! Just skip entire zones because all the edgelords rolled one faction. Sounds like you prefer a PvE realm.

OH NO NO my undead is super strong and still has workin genitals.

Troll priest shreks UD priest in proper PvP. Meme plague vs Hex, Berserking and Shadowguard that scales with SP perfectly. WOTF get out of here in 2019.

troll priest is crap berserk doesn’t speed up dot’s, now troll mage on the other hand…

For all those alliance that think they’ll be laughing at short pvp ques, just remember that horde owns world pvp, good luck getting into the raid zones on your raid nights when we camp the hell out of the entrances and slaughter you before you get halfway down the chain to MC. For the horde :joy:


Nothing can be done about it. This is a fairly common problem in any game where you give the player agency over what they can play as and what they identify with.

Unless Blizzard starts telling people they can’t play Horde, nothing is going to be done about it because this is entirely a player issue, not a Blizzard issue. Horde is more favored. This isn’t news.