If we accept that most players are bad at this game, and we accept that most players joined the horde, then it follows that most horde are bad. Pretty much the only way most horde can win a fight in pvp is if it’s 10vs1, so they need all the help they can get.
No. It’s because us horde could careless what our cities and characters look like. Horde put the word “Warcraft” in the name “World of Warcraft.
About the only thing that could be done to make the sides more equal is to convince more players to roll Alliance.
Blizzard can’t do anything about player choices during character creation without actually forcing players to create Alliance for PvP until it’s balanced. We all know how well this would be received.
So hopefully you have a silver tongue to persuade a lot of people to switch sides or buckle down and switch yourself.
What a lot of games will do is lock character creation for a faction until balance is achieved. In practice, people who could go either way do so, and those who want a particular faction find themselves waiting as much as several minutes to create their character.
Seeing as Deviate Delight is slightly Alliance heavy atm… come on down! We welcome more Horde to balance the numbers
How is that server, will there still be a healhy raiding scene?
Exactly. Battle grounds will help balance things out somewhat. It won’t be a complete fix but it’ll help.
in all seriousness though, something needs to be done about the imbalances on pvp servers. whitemane is something like 65/35 horde. questing is basically impossible even when grouped in certain zones. the smorc taiwanese guild with 999 members rolling on our US server as horde only made it more of a sh*tshow.
i love pvp servers, but at some point being outnumbered to this extent just gets boring. there is no actual pvp to be found, just mass zergs.
Why do they come all way over here? grass greener bs?
This just means the horde has more good players.
People asking for evidence should look at https://wowpop.appspot.com/
It’s far from perfect, but it seems consistent enough to use for rough numbers regarding population ratios.
Stop questing in hillsbrad and stv lol
or tanaris. or desolace. or arathi. i mean at some point one runs out of options bro, lmao.
they claimed on reddit it was because on taiwanese servers, ‘not enough people play alliance so there is no one to pvp with’. meanwhile… they roll in giant zergs 10v1ing any alliance on this server while they lag port around… its not real logical.
Nah, most people are bad at the game. People that are good at the game usually stick with whatever faction they enjoy. People that are bad choose a faction based on population numbers or racials. There are for sure some good horde players, but there are massive numbers of bad players on horde.
FF name and a Tool guild? Beautiful
massive number of bads on alliance too, more under 14s on alliance. More cosplay girls who play ultra casual on alliance. from what i’ve seen playing both are horde are macho competitive, alliance are QQ why they gank us whiners.
Thank goodness BGs are cross realm. Should keep things from being this severe. Worse case we might see 5 minute queue for one faction and like 20 min for the other.
There are bad players on each faction, but doesn’t change the fact that horde has more terrible players lol. Not sure what you’re even arguing here. Most players are bad at the game and most people rolled horde, it’s just simple logic. Bad players are encouraged to play on the zerg faction because they can’t handle pvp on their own.
That’s not logic at all it’s fallacy sweeping generalization. I see more world firsts, more arena masters, more cutting edges on horde. Why do more role horde? because that’s where the winners are. Alliance i see are weebs and QQ, horde are toxic macho. Toxic maco = competitive, weebs = my elf is named legolas, lets roll a pvp server and QQ about pvp.