“Ignore the fact we are murdering monsters that nearly destroyed your entire race. Ignore the fact we are zombies that were raised and instead of being loyal to Arthas are loyal to Sylvanas, who isn’t much better”.
Arthas was a bad guy - but was not Alliance. He was Lordaeron aligned. The Lordaeron remnants are the Forsaken…
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Forsaken are undead who broke away from the lich king… they are dalaran, lorderon, strathholm, and quel’thas.
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One jackass who hates High Elves, we get it. Garithos was a dick. Not to mention Sylvannas promised Garithos he could have Lordaeron back if he helped her. He helps her, she back stabs him. Yeah, totally honorable.
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Not sylvanas Kael’thas is who he betrayed , and yeah a dick. Malfurion is an idiot too.
We should add Belfadins to Horde to push that ratio to 3:1.
So far things like this have happened.
Guild group questing in Stromgarde, level 42 Warrior with a bunch of Horde also present charges our level 37 guildie Priest.
The warrior goes down under a pile of arrows and frost bolts.
The other Horde there run by like, nothing to see we want to finish questing.
SM outside did have Horde outside trying to kill Alliance players.
We have had people die some going into SM dungeons.
That has not stopped us from going there and getting into runs.
Then again we stop to help people in world PvP and we can and do call in guldies to fight.
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In my experience almost all of the big name streamers play Horde, so they also have a massive sperg fanbase following them around. More easy pickings.
You mean using an addon that: takes a long time; only grabs your own faction online at the time; tries to parse /who while dealing with a cap of 50 names generated at once.
This can give you a rough idea at a given time, but in no way accurately shows the server pops
Me leveling in hillsbrad, alliance gank raids everywhere stop QQing/
That totally invalidates everything else though that the Alliance had to endure since Warcraft 1. Look, Garithos was a chode, no denying that, but the Alliance as a whole is what we’re looking at here.
I was horde for 2 years, then alliance for about 13. recently came back to horde. only playing horde because friends are. have a soft spot for alliance.
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They allied themselves after defeathing Archimonde, and Garathos was like nahhh, and everyone followed.
The best PvP guild and bg group on my server in vanilla were alliance. Horde were always the edgy children who didn’t know anything about PvP and got stomped into Oblivion.
On Herod it feels almost ridiculous, currently leveling in STV. It’s like 20:1 horde lmao
Well that’s just plain not true lmao.
This is not true at all. Look at the website wowpop(.)appspot(.)com. While these are estimates from census addons, many servers have enough sampling to get a good sense of the population size and alliance to horde ratios. As an example, my realm, Sulfuras, is nearly 50:50, and I do get that sense when Im in game as well
I wish battlegrounds were in now. To an extent they help incentivize playing the lesser faction due to the long queue times for the popular faction.
I’ve been playing exclusively on Alliance since launch. Wanted a fresh experience so I rolled Horde.
Somehow I feel Horde are friendlier and more open to just helping people than what I’ve felt on Alliance side.
So far I think the Horde areas are pretty cool, the cities are dumb clusterducks tho.
We will see whe BGs come out how the imbalance actually is, but I guess I will be able to farm while waiting that 30 min queue to pop.