All reams 2:1 ratio Horde/Alliance

Those who called for #nochanges don’t seem to understand that players have solved the game effectively. You will see majority horde and majority alliance clustered servers over time. Things won’t go back to how they used to be.

It also makes sense that since most of the retail community is now horde, they likely chose to play horde in classic as well.

The long term equilibrium is for players to prefer to play on servers that heavily favor their faction. Players will then segregate and complain of a lack of enemies when the server dies.


yeah you should reroll and be part of the solution


You should volunteer yourself to fight the good fight. For the Alliance!

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i mean, you could always roll alliance.


Direct hit! Could not be more accurate.

Alliance always had the fast queues on mine. Its one of the biggest reasons Ive been Alliance for 15 years. I want to fight, not wait in queue XD

Alliance are facist’s in he lore rn don’t blame people for not wanting to play the kill all orcs and undead because we’re mad they pushed away the bloodevles faction.

[citation needed]

Just wait till all the edgelord streamer followers go back to fortnite. Ally on a pvp server btw…bring it. :wink:

Then he’d be making this post but as an Alliance character. Then what would you say?

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Fascists? As opposed to the, “recreate the undead plague and murder everything” Forsaken or the, “we were misunderstood but pretend I’m not murdering people” orcs?


that’s bfa(B.s) lore undead and orcs just want to make an home and live. Paly wc3 in frozen throne the humans are straight up N A Z I.

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But that’s why I love them. Playing the sadistic faction gets my rocks off when I’m torturing green-skins.

Not to mention at this point in the lore (assuming he means Classic, because if hes referring to retail all I can say is LOL Sylvannas), its been only 4 years since Warcraft 3. The Horde invasion is still fresh in the Alliance’s mind, and the scourge invasion even fresher. Suddenly the Undead are a part of the Horde. It can be seen why the Alliance isn’t too particularly happy with them.

While, yes, the Orcs are no longer slaves to the demon corruption, its gonna take some time for people to come around considering they were murdering everything left and right at one point…


Last I heard pve servers are fairly even if not more-so in alliance favour. BGs will be battlegroup style so PvE and PvP players will be mixing when it comes to the ques.

Yes alliance will most likely be shorter que times but I don’t see hordes being more then 10min on average. However I’m pulling those numbers out of my rectal cavity just like you.

As others have said. Roll alliance. I’ll be rolling both, pvping on whoever has a shorter que.

Um, not mine. Been doing some pvp in hillsbrad, and a SWARM of alliance keeps all horde camped at Tarren Mill 24/7

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It doesn’t really help that it doesn’t take long for the orcs to return to the state they were before - it doesn’t even take much of a push.


If you read the quests, you’ll see that Sylvanas is making a new plague (the blight) in vanilla. She even has assassins hunt down a defector trying to bring that to the Alliance. You also aren’t really given free will, as you are immediately loyal to Sylvanas when being raised. There’s also quest chains for the Alliance in Arathi where you find out about this deadly new plague.

The orcs are also a mixed bag in vanilla. They’re just recovering from being in camps, but at the same time are encroaching on Alliance territory across Azeroth and are rather aggressive about it.

The humans aren’t fascists. They were faced with an invasion of aliens - that were bloodthirsty, cruel, savage and not at all civil. They made a decision not to kill them when they had the chance and instead put them in camps until a better solution came about. They did the absolute best thing they could do for the orcs, as leaving them to their own devices (which was not an option) would mean they would never have broken the curse.


Play forzen throne human campaign and ask again lol. Yeah the need a new plague they’re outnumbered 1000 to 1 vs humans fair play. Sylvanas in classic isn’t bfa sylvanas, varmithras was a good guy, WoD destroyed 20 years of story building, anything Ion was lead of is not cannon lmao.

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Quality over quantity.

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