All reams 2:1 ratio Horde/Alliance

I decided to roll Alliance on classic too, and this seems to be the biggest problem for me. Consistently find 2-3 horde grouped up, clobbering alliance in their way. Alliance would rather continuously run back to their corpse’s than group up and kill them back.

Just the way it goes I guess. Just have to say, undead warlocks have got to be the biggest b**ches in the game. Just saying :slight_smile:

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Yikes and bluepilled

I wouldn’t say that’s true. It’s just under different circumstances.

With my friends, if Horde initiates, we’ll make sure your gear is broken and you waste as much time as humanly possible running back to your corpse until you have to either accept rez sickness or manage to sneak away.

Pretty much.

OP, be the change you want to see and reroll Ally. Put your inner edge lord back in the closet and join the good guys.


Yeah man I tried, but something was missing. My buddy wanted to roll a troll, but I wanted undead. Ran to the zep, took a stroll to the south, and boom we were ready to go. Beats the hell out of a wetlands run :joy:

But I’m glad to be back on Horde again.

I rolled alliance on account of some friends wanting to play paladins for whatever reason. I’ve noticed my server appears to be heavily horde sided, I took the time to count how many horde I’d see before seeing an alliance in Tanaris yesterday and got to 17. Not exactly representative, but still…

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Where did your numbers come from? Any data?

Either way horde tends to dominate terms of PvP server population counts. It’s same in retail… Also can’t force people to play a faction they don’t want to play.

No, it’s because Horde have the better PvP racials.


They’ve already mentioned this isn’t going to be the case…

Troll post.

You’ve been kicking a**, eh? Is that because of your rogue stuns?

*laughs in Hardiness

Enjoy your Zerg PvP while you can.

Come Phase 3 we’ll be insta-queing from the safety of IF while you roam in giant packs terrorizing a handful of level 30s in Hillsbrad.


The real pvpers rolled alliance for instsnt queue. I cant wait, in a few months there will be hundreds of horde qq posts about long bg queues. Shoulda rolled alliance.


netherwind is quite a bit alliance favored

Do you have a suggestion as to what should be done? You can’t force people to play races that they don’t want to

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Prioritized queue is really the only thing they can do.

Hasn’t been the case on my realm. Huge fights in Hillsbrad, Alliance hunting down Horde, Horde hunting down Alliance. Its been great. Even over in Redridge some nub high level Horde was ganking low level Alliance. We formed a raid and took him down, it was glorious.


This. The Horde isn’t even that great anymore, because their skilled player-base has been watered down by a bunch of zerglings that think Horde will carry them.

Also - Everyone has PTSD from Warmode.


Back in Vanilla I would see Alliance come to the Horde WSG staging area in The Barrens, and they’d bring a priest. Priest would mind control the battlemaster and he would go on a killing spree. Funniest thing I’d ever seen. :smiley:

untrue. Atiesh is 2:1 alliance