All reams 2:1 ratio Horde/Alliance

Seems like I’m always surrounded by alliance on Westfall.

Well, flies always congregate on the pile of dung!

As a rogue you’re not entitled to the chest because you didn’t solo your way to it. If it wasn’t for the rest of the party then you wouldn’t have gotten to the chest either. Usually when a group is still getting together and I’m at the dungeon I’ll solo a few kills outside the instance. If a green/blue item drops and I soloed the kill but a party member is nearby, I’ll NEED roll on the item because I soloed the kill so I deserve it. The idea is the same here. If you soloed the path to the chest then knock yourself out, but at that point if you can solo your way to the chest then why bother grouping that instance? Or if you can solo it then go knock yourself out farming the chest on your own without the party.

I don’t think that’s true of Faerlina. Why are you not playing on Faerlina?

why the hell are you talking about locked chests on a faction imbalance thread

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‘there is an imbalance problem but I want someone else to be part of the solution.’

The problem exists because blizzard gave cowards an easy button to run away from their perceived issues in game.

That transfer button should have only existed for one side, if you want to abandon the server because of imbalance you should have to reroll. Period.


if you got killed as soon as you landed in like all important FPs would you ever go out of the city by yourself? you cant say anything cuz your playing on the heavily dominant side

While you’re right, there wasn’t really a reason to necro the thread.

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Careful …you are reinforcing the view Blizzard love Horde more…

swear i saw this when browsing the “new” threads. oh well sry for bumpo

Remulos is something like 3:1 Alliance:Horde, I believe. So, no.

Also, this horse died a long, long time ago.

That is pure 100% nonsense. It is baloney.

How many Alliance do you need to have “meaningful PVP”? When is the last time you made a group of 3,000, or saw a group of 3,000? Never. Not in Vanilla or any time since. PVP is groups of 5, or 10, or (rarely) 50. There are many times that many Alliance players on EVERY Classic server.

Of course, you have to actually do PVP. You have to form groups. Wait and find players. Group together.

On a PVE server, making a dungeon group and all 5 getting to the dungeon entrance usually takes 30 minutes. That is 30 minutes for each run, on a PVE server.

If I was on a PVP server, I would spend that same 30 minutes forming a group of 10 or 20 or 30 players, and only then would I try to go anywhere. I wouldn’t demand that Blizzard invent a new game where I can get to BRD and start a PVE run in 5 minutes.

Blizzard isn’t going to redesign Classic into some new “better” game for you.

Care to provide any credible source?

Because Grobbulous says hi.

The problem is whenever alliance put together a group of 5, horde will bring 10. When alliance bring 10, horde will bring 15. When alliance bring 50 (lol yea right) the horde will have 100.

I agree. What does that have to do with a “faction balance” of 16,000 on one side and 8,000 on the other side? Nothing.

Earthfury is nearly 2:1 alliance to horde

if 20 horde show up in a zone , 50 alliance show up


While Grobb is supposedly balanced, I’ve honestly seen the Alliance camping key places like BRM and LHC constantly. This post is irrelevant.

Grob is the most balanced server in Classic. Earthfury and Heartseeker are the only 2 servers where alliance outnumber horde. Literally every other server on classic has a huge imbalance in horde favor. I personally don’t have a problem with it, my server is close to 35:65, but that doesn’t invalidate people’s frustrations on the vast majority of servers.

this is some out of season april fools joke right? There is more horde on faerlina