Like what, exactly?
It’s an unfortunate side effect of Horde being the “PvP faction” for over a decade now. Just about all serious PvP’ers go horde.
On the plus side, this will make queue times for BGs as Alliance wonderful!
It’s just seems that way because they’re a bunch of care bear city hiders.
why would i want your brand of pvp? how is ganking “meaningful”?
Funny thing is, vanilla is Alliance racial dominant for PvPers. It didn’t start to slide horde heavy till later. But people still roll horde out of habit.
… and faster queues
I hope blizz releases the actual numbers and soon. Tired of this anecdotal hyperbole
*because they are told to. Horde players aren’t free thinkers, they follow the band wagon / what a streamer tells them to play.
If Blizzard really wanted an authentic vanilla experience they would severely limit the amount of players able to go Horde
Battlegrounds are cross server rip
For the Horde!
How does that help if horde is the majority on most servers?
Well I mean if you have essentially only one PvP CC and an entire race on the horde side immune to that CC, you’re going to get some kind of imbalance.
Yes, something needs to be done.
I suggest making an alliance character.
huh? iirc the two vanilla realms I played on (gorefiend and gurubashi) were both Horde-favored.
If the ratio on specific realms is bad, the problem would be exacerbated. When it’s 70:30, then the minority faction on the server dictates the total amount of matches. Assuming 100% of the server is online and queuing, then 40% of the majority faction is left in a queue.
However, if the total cross realm ratio is more balanced than individual realms, then a lower % of the majority faction will be in the queue.
While many servers seem Horde populated, there are also seemingly severely Ally imba servers, such as Heartseeker. This will help mitigate the terrible faction balance on Stalagg for instance. Moreover, many PvE realms are supposedly heavily Ally skewed. If these realms are all within the same battlegroup, then the ratio becomes even more balanced.
This assumes that we are seeing severe imba across all realms at all times, but different realms have different imba at different times. I expect the queue times will vary.
The imbalance is around 55-45 across all servers using the latest census data. Wouldn’t shock me if people that picked alliance didn’t want to pvp as much as horde. They sort of signaled as pvp players when they picked the faction with the best pvp racials. That could generate an even higher imbalance amongst the PvPer population.
Come to Heartseeker, theres Allies everywhere!
Is that a cross server average, or each server supposedly exhibiting 55-45?
If the issue becomes one faction simply not wanting to queue, then it could be 90:10 A:H and still exhibit similar conditions. But assuming likelihood of engaging in PvP based upon faction choice is beyond the scope of this exercise. If that is the case, ratio is less relevant since external variables are effecting the rate each faction queues.
If the average across all servers is 45:55 A:H, then only 5% of Horde would be in a queue at any given time (assuming 100% player engagement); it also facilitates swings closer to 50:50 relative to amount of players concurrently playing than a 70:30 queue should. The closer to balance, the lesser the queue time.
My Spy is always 25+ nearby and /who in the zone is 3 lol
Grobbulus is a perfect 50/50 split pvp server.