All reams 2:1 ratio Horde/Alliance

All realms aren’t equal. Pagle a pve realm of the eastern realm group is saturated with alliance. Alliance would camp the top of the Org bank on a daily basis keeping AH and flght guy dead. finally battle grounds opened up and things have quieted down in our Horde cities. But the imbalance is still present and felt in questing areas. So yes there are still some imbalanced realms out there.

Not true. There are a lot more horde everywhere…even in our towns. You can arrive to the flightmaster of an alliance city without horde waiting to kill you

On Windrunner, as Horde we were outnumbered 11-1 by the Alliance. I’m not kidding. That was extreme, but I do remember in Vanilla Alliance outnumbered the Horde by quite a margin.

My server is like 76% Alliance lol

Vanilla was before min-maxers (and those stupid aoe mage/cleave dungeon groups.)