All reams 2:1 ratio Horde/Alliance

Yeah they showed an amazing 50/50 split in Horde/Alliance ratio for both NA and EU.

More Horde tend to play on pvp and more Alliance on pve but overall it evens out.

It must be hard living life without a brain.


From what I’ve seen Westfall is heavily favored towards Alliance.

htt ps:// he ad .co m/news=295075/classic-wow-realm-population-report-data-aggregated-through-community

Not accurate but gives an idea.

lol boohoo “i couldn’t tag a mob” try getting killed by a skull every time and corpse running as much as you actually are questing…

The issue still remains with the minor exception that Alliance are flocking to the the free xfer realms

Come on over to Blaumeux, according to discord, census and wow head were a near perfect 50/50 split. Also we have a thread on our realm forum discussing this where both sides agree it’s pretty well balanced.

This isn’t true.

You literally just made up some random piece of information and are trying to pass it off as fact.

That’s not how this works. You can’t just make something up and pretend it’s true when it’s not. You haven’t even provided any data, sourced any of your info, or anything at all.

Go away.

PVP realms are significantly horde heavy, PVE realms are significantly alliance heavy, that was the story back then, the story now in retail, and the story in classic, zero surprise.

https:/ /www .wowhead .com/ news=295075/ classic-wow- realm-population-report-data-aggregated-through- community#us-realms

Here’s some data for you. Maybe it’s not that way at 60 since a vast majority aren’t there yet. From my experience at my level it’s been very even

Yes, I know. It has been very even.

Then I’m not sure why you disagreed to start but glad you feel the same way now. It’s been enjoyable to have a more even split

I honestly have no idea what you’re on about.

Either you’re trolling or are legitimately special.

I disagreed with the OP, who made up a lie about the servers being 2:1 Horde:alliance, which is objectively false.

So please tell me what you’re on about here?

My bad I thought you were replying to me since it was directly below my post

Sorry my guy

NP. Thank you, I was very confused.

And yes, Blaumeux is like 48/52 in favor of Alliance according to recent data. It’s been damn near 50/50 for a long time, however either way could be due to insufficient data.

You have no proof

Nothing needs to be done, go back to retail where you can cry about “wah the howd is too stwong” or “wah i need awwies to kiww”

Well, if you think that’s a problem you can start by playing alliance. Makes no sense to complain about horde domination while playing horde.

There’s zero incentive to play alliance. Horde is way bigger and the whole point of an MMO is to maximize interaction with other people, so the logical thing to do for everyone is to roll horde.

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Individual Server population is irrelevant.

When I played Vanilla, my server Windrunner had an 11:1 Alliance to Horde ratio. BG queues were instant for Horde, and hours long for Alliance. Of course, due to the sheer number of players they had (alliance), they cleared raids way way way before we did, and entered BG’s with gear beyond our comprehension. Raid gear was pretty awesome in BG’s back then, and we would be in awe of what they were wearing.

obvious troll post