This has literally nothing to do w/ retail lmfao what an idiot
Bigglesworth is one of the most Horde dom servers I’ve played on so far in classic. Easily 3:1 horde groups for any alliance in every major PVP zone. STV, Arathi, Hillsbrad, Winterspring. Can’t even quest unless it’s real late or real early.
Well, other way around. And honestly not as bad as it is on PvP servers - for every 1 Alliance there’s usually 4+ Horde.
I tried questing in Searing Gorge. The main oil field area (rather important as you need to kill all the mobs for quests) was camped entirely by about 3 Alliance (myself included) and about 20 Horde.
I hate to say it, but… it seems they’re pulling back on layering already and it’s a bit too soon. This is more like a private server than it is legitimate vanilla.
Pretty much this lol. Gotta love all the ‘Just be better at PVP NOOB’ posts by Hories, when there is literally never a lone Horde PVPer out there lmfao.
If there is, he’s got about five friends lurking around that he’ll immediately run to. I’ve noticed this - in the off chance one strays from his group to chase me (usually taunting me with /chicken), I’ll turn and the moment I show I can back it up they book it.
A Rogue can’t actually run away with Sprint when they only really have rank 1 or 2. 36% Cheetah can outpace them eventually… and there’s Concussive Shot.
:Laughs in Pagle:
Child please.
I thought meaningful Horde pvp was 5v1 and running for your life when your cooldowns are down.
Wrong. There is a chart in today’s wowhead, listing EVERY Classic server. They range from 35% Horde to 75% Horde.
Good guess. Maybe it is correct, on your server.
Every PvP server I think is what he meant.
Based on the wowhead census my server (Stalagg) is 30% Alliance and 70% Horde. I wait in 3 hour queues to get ganked while trying to quest. My server offers free transfers to Heartseeker, which guess what is majority Alliance and has no queue. If every Alliance is getting ganked as much as I am I’m sure they’ll all start taking the free transfer. Before you know it that 70/30 becomes 80/20 then 90/10. It happened to me in retail on Tichondrius the game becomes unplayable as the 10% faction and the 90% faction dont really have anyone to world PvP against and might as well be a PvE server.
I think they should make an alliance queue and a horde queue that cap out at half the server cap. If the alliance queue is empty open spots up on the horde queue. As it stands I wait in a queue that is majority horde players just so I can log in to be ganked. On a PvP server questing zones basically become massive battlegrounds. In battlegrounds you have 80 people 40 alliance and 40 horde. Not 15 alliance and 65 horde like I see while questing. I know world PvP wont always be balanced but 70/30 is bad and only going to get worse unless blizzard does something.
No flying will fix PvP… Oh wait…
43% to 57% Horde dominated across all PVP servers LUL nice try.
Flag’d and bag’d.
Next time try googling something first at a minimum before deciding to post vague unsupported claims. Thanks.
Deviate delight isnt. Its about 55 to 45 in favor of the alliance
Yep first of all i love wow and i love pvp. i play on yojamba server (oceanic) where the alliance a heavily outnumbered (can check numbers for yourself) We have people saying just farm dungeons because u will get rekt in stv or southsore.
as other posters have said. STV and SS are no go zones on our server. I mean u can go but ull have a very rough time, getting ganked atleast 2v1 nearly all the time.
People tell me to stop moaning and ask me why did i pick a pvp server and the answer is i love pvp i just hate being outnumbered in our own lands with no go zones. Blizzard made an amazing game and i love it. But server balance is trash on pvp servers.
Its gotten soo bad im thinking of switching servers which is a shame because i am in a guild etc
Aww poor retail baby got triggered.
Wowhead actually released something a few days ago showing the server faction ratio.
It was also on the /rclassicwow sub reddit yesterday too
but are you sure you’re okay? i’m feeling kinda concerned for your mental well being, here.
Horde Mentality