All reams 2:1 ratio Horde/Alliance

He’s actually right. When they were working on TBC they created blood elves to get more people to roll horde to try and balance faction populations.

Some servers had higher pop horde, but on average most were slanted towards alli. Alli ended up with long BG wait times because there weren’t enough horde, and to many alli.

Engadget did an article on it back in 2013, that the forum won’t let me post.

Why kill him if he’s not bothering anyone? There is literally no benefit to ganging up on him other than the possible enjoyment you might get from an easy kill. For most people though, PvPing is currently a waste of time if you just want to level.

Also, there are countless horde out there that have left me in peace and there are also countless alliance ganging up on horde. From my experience, the “only PvP if attacked first” is actually what most people of BOTH sides prefer. Any perception that one side is different than the other is all in your head.

This is warcraft not punkcraft. Roll on pve then your part of the problem. god.

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Yeah, I guess if people are not playing the game the way YOU want then they are part of YOUR problem. If that is the case, I’m glad to disappoint you because I see you people as the problem. You play the game you want to play, just don’t whine to me when you can’t handle the consequences of being super aggressive.

because he came to duskwood to gank easy targets.

This mentality of yours is exactly why i left the alliance

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No, that is wrong. I’ve seen plenty of high level horde in duskwood and not one of them has ever attacked me. I know at least one of them was there mining.

-If it triggers you that others don’t kill on site then be aware that most horde also don’t kill on site and that your switch was pointless. I have countless more examples of horde being passive than aggressive. Hell, some even helped me out from bad pulls.

Kirtonos is well over 2:1 Horde:Alliance.

Most of Alliance’s mid-leveled players are sticking to dungeon leveling, and I can’t blame them. I can’t quest in STV or Badlands at all. Hell, just one quest giver had upwards of 12 Horde on top of it just killing the sparse few Alliance.

This isn’t surprising, particularly in the case of PvP servers, since Horde racials are a thousand times better. Orc/Tauren/Undead is ludicrous compared to trash PvP racials Alliance get.

You’re saying that a Horde has never gone out of his way to gank people? To camp lowbies?
Maybe try rolling on a PvP realm

As an Alliance, I wouldn’t be surprised if this were true.

I see horde EVERYWHERE, ALL the time.

I rarely see Alliance, anywhere, ever.

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That realm is one of the most imbalanced realms at 63.9% horde to 37.1% alliance. It is practically 2:1. My realm Herod is over 61% horde which is almost as bad. Not only this, when the population disparity is made clear, people start dodging out of it so they can progress which amplifies the disparity up to 10:1 in any zone where horde has more flight paths than alliance.

Well, your horde… So Roll alliance

You’ve now done your part

An instant queue loss is still a loss

It doesnt work that way bud. BG are not server specific.

The stats I saw indicated like a 45/55 split on a lot of servers, including mine, still favoring horde but i play PvP.

Horde get to play PVE on pvp servers pretty easily.

in all fairness, Hillsbrad is a bloodbath on my server with constant alliance victories
ashenvale is similar

Horde has a major edge in stonetalon and thousand needles but those zones are more or less in the horde heartland both being adjacent to the barrens and being really close to TB+Org plus being full of easy to obtain leather and ore so Alliance would never have an edge there

not sure about the higher end content but zones closer to stormwind or ironforge have similar results for the alliance anyways. Like I will only go into the wetlands once in a blue moon.

as per hunters, alliance has a massive edge with hunter pet abilities. proper hunter play sees alliance getting access to some of the most important skills sometimes 10 levels earlier than horde players unless horde players make treks deep into the wilds of alliance controlled ‘Contested’ zones

i’m not complaining about this, I’m just pointing out that disparity is based on zone and server, as well as level.

I did not say that. I am saying that your implication that Horde are solely in Duskwood to gank is wrong. As I said, I have never been attacked by a higher level player in Duskwood so any statement suggesting they are solely there to gank is obviously wrong. Is it possible they may gank? Yes, but why should I have any obligation to take time out of questing if he hasn’t exhibited signs of being a threat? Why should I come to your aid if you were dumb enough to attack a skull player that hasn’t done anything to anyone else?


Instant queue refers to a battleground queue. Battlegrounds aren’t subject to population disparities like outside zones are. Typically the bandwagon faction loses most of their games, it won’t be different as Alliance on PvP servers will win most of their games and Horde on PvE servers will win most of their games.

This is the way it was in vanilla as well. They have truly recreated the experience.