That’s an oddity. Which server are you on?
Well the reason I picked horde in classic is because the alliance has some of the most annoying cities to navigate on foot and on top of that they come in the most boring fantasy flavors.
Human classic
Diet Human
Extra Small Human
Aside from Night elves you have 3 flavors of human in a fantasy game. Who in the world wants to be a human? If you want to do that the MMO Real-Life is a much more interactive game you could be playing.
So unless they can make the race selection better and the cities less obnoxious I personally won’t play alliance in classic.
Benediction. I don’t think the data is correct on one of these websites, classic realm info has a skewed ratio to alliance but on the wow pop appspot website its almost a 50:50 ratio on characters above level 5.
Same with benediction, they’re about 3-5 percent points ahead of every other class.
https ://
I don’t know what OP is talking about, this was pretty meaningful to me. The fight was about as evenly matched as you could ask from world PvP. If you want 100% equal, wait for BGs.
Calm down and breathe.
Hands you a plate of chicken tendies
Horde are just that good.
Come to Pagle. Alliance outnumbers Horde 4:1 last I checked.
That pic only seems to support the OP’s 2:1 claim… You have a 15 person raid and I see 6 of them.
Granted, it looks like they might have a level advantage, but those odds are still rough when you take CC into account…
So…? You’re organizing PvP events, then complaining about PvP? If you want to, great. But crying about “Wah I got killed, that must mean that the server’s tilted against my favor!” without any ACTUAL proof is so dumb.
Where was I complaining about PVP?
The whole thread is complaining that the ratios are unbalanced without an evidence to prove so.
If you don’t understand the “only PvP if attacked first” then you don’t understand how psychology works. There is basically no end to PvP once you start ganking people, which is fine if that’s what you want, but when people are trying to quest it’s actually smarter for them to leave everyone else be. -I will only come together with others if things become a problem but this rarely ever happens from my experience (I’m lvl 40 on my main).
As to people being ganked, yes, others should actively help out but if you’re the one ganking, I’m going to let you die. I’m not going to let your actions derail my questing, you make your own decisions.
-Horde players are not inherently better strategists or “brothers in arms”. Horde and alliance players are the exact same types of people, people naturally seek out advantages and any realm with numbers will always be the one that outnumbers and dominates the other realm. Horde would act the same exact way the alliance does if they were the ones being outnumbered- as I’ve seen in certain areas where alliance dominates. Horde are also just as passive as alliance, 90% of the horde I run across have been peaceful.
Why do you think I rolled a rogue?
asmon needs more alliance to give him gold i hear.
6? There’s 14 alliance in that picture. 15v14 is pretty fair for WPvP.
Im ok because I clearly got under your skin. Win win for me, go be a bloodelf somewhere.
Careful with your reply, I might RP at you and hurt your little feels again.
Dude, when a horde that’s only 8 or 9 levels above comes walking into Duskwood. All it takes is a group of 3 or 4 people together to kill him a couple of times to send him packing. But nope, the Alliance generally just /flee in terror. It’s quite comical to witness from the Horde side, the little people scattering in front of me as I go for a stroll.
The psychology of “only PvP if attacked first” that’s prevalent with Alliance, actually prevents people from helping each other. I’ve rolled on both Horde and Alliance. It is clear as night and day. I have friends that I met on the Horde who’ve had the very same experience with rolling Alliance, that I have. Alliance is a FFA of who can dodge the Horde and keep questing. Horde generally do work together better.
Try re-rolling on the other side if you want to see both sides.
Somewhat ironic with alliance being the favored faction back then until TBC added the “pretty” horde race.